Posts Tagged ‘abs’

Hot Sideshow Abs Workout is a 24 minute HIIT workout with all bodyweight exercises. It has lots of new and great abdominal exercises that focus on one side and then the other to really target the abs muscles being worked. The abs exercises are combined with one leg exercises, plank and burpees which are great for balance and so also work the core stabilizing, deeper assisting muscles to build core strength. This is great functional strength that will keep your body strong for all of your day to day movements and lessen chances of any injuries. || Read more

This 12 minute Ugi workout is a HIIT workout made up of all Ugi exercises. There are 5 exercises and you go through them in intervals, with the feature exercise – Ugi Cross Core Abs getting repeated. I am always looking for ways to make sit ups more interesting, and I liked the way this exercise works the core and obliques. The Ugi exercises may look easy, but that is only until you actually do them, and then you realize it takes a lot of deeper core strength to balance and keep form, holding onto or supported by that seemingly innocent weighted ball. Each of the exercises in this Ugi workout is a new one for me, or a different variation, and the time went by really fast! || Read more

This legs and abs workout is a high intensity interval training workout (HIIT) and made up of 15 minutes of intervals. For this one you go through 6 bodyweight exercises each 3 times. The lunging leg exercises are split up with a couple of ab exercises between each one. || Read more

I got in this quick 12 minute workout on Christmas eve. It can be so much harder getting in a workout after too much over indulging but I find it is best to keep up momentum and plus, I knew that doing a workout, even just 12 minutes, will help burn calories. It’s hard being a chef testing new recipes over the holidays, but actually it’s hard for all of us to be around so much tempting delicious food, and especially foods that are not only delicious but that hold happy memories in them as well. But I am hoping that we can be super conscientious and work our will power. Will power is like our muscles and gets stronger the more you use it. So we all have to find our balance between happy and healthy and work with that. But one thing is for sure.. this workout will give you more energy and strength to make better decisions and help boost your metabolism, so all good! Your inner and outer self will be happy you did it! || Read more

This 14 minute Ugi workout is an interval training workout made up mostly of ab focused exercises. Using the Ugi ball to balance on when doing ab and other exercises really helps to work the stabilizing secondary muscles. These are the muscles that surround and assist the major muscles and give great support to the body. Working these makes you lean and tight and helps you build a deeper strength so that you are less likely to have injuries. Think about it, if all the little muscles that support the bigger muscles are strong too, it just makes sense that your body will be stronger, and leaner. || Read more

This 12 minute workout has 3 tabata parts in it (Follow that link to read more on tabatas!). Each of the parts has 2 exercises in it: a crunch type ab exercise and a plank type exercise, also great for the abs. The time goes by quick and because you are alternating the exercises you just have 4 periods for each of them, so put as much into each one as you can so that you really feel it afterwards and so you get the most out of the workout. || Read more