Posts Tagged ‘10-15 min’

This Wave Rider Workout is short, but intense. It definitely will wave, jump, twist and twirl you around until you’re a sweaty mess. Fun. ; ) ..and you’ll be filled with endorphins and so actually smiling after the brutality. It will make you look and feel fabulous! All that in under 15 minutes! Awesome. || Read more

This workout is short – only 10 minutes long. It is abs focused. The crunches, knee raises and burpees are all great for the abs and the reverse push ups great for lats, so this is a real upper body workout. || Read more

It’s the day after doing this workout – and I am feeling my abs – so that tells me, this workout worked!! Although I may have made the Ab Pulses look easy in the video, they are horrendous and brutal (me clutching my abs at the end may have given it away!). It’s brutal but it’s only a little more than 13 minutes.. I’m sure we all can hold on for that long to get through it. I promise, it’s worth the pain! || Read more

Effective, simple. quick. Sweat it out and get it done. This workout is made up of 5 exercises. Simple enough to get the moves memorized so you can flow from one to the next and with exercises different enough to give you a great little full-body workout in under 15 minutes. Hit the floor and get into action. In no time you’ll be done and your body will thank you for it after. || Read more

This workout takes only 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of 6 minute intervals with 100 skips in between them, as well as 100 before and after to make 300 skips. || Read more

This workout uses one of my favorite pieces of equipment. My pink Ugi is 10 pounds and it really works the core stabilizing muscles in the exercises that you have to balance on it. || Read more

This workout has 3 – 4 minute parts and 2 intermissions, all together if you move quickly through it without taking a break it will take you about 15 minutes. || Read more