Posts Tagged ‘10-15 min’

I am on a pull up kick this week and this pull up workout is great when you are having an urge to practice your pull ups. It is made up of 5 reps of pull ups interspersed with 20 reps of different bodyweight exercises. I can only do a few pull ups at a time now, and the recovery of doing other exercises gives just enough of a break to be able to do them again. Even so, my pull ups were steadily going downhill throughout the workout, especially after the push ups! ..and I am feeling it today, in a good way, especially in the lats. I love building those, gives a great shape to the body! ; )

We’re working on pull ups today. The pull up bar is out!! It’s been awhile since I have done any pull ups and so this one is a tough one for me. But I am on it! Pull ups are great for upper body strength and for developing your lats, the upper-side back muscles that give you a great shape! Also it gives you a sense of power to be able to lift yourself up, and it’s a great survival skill if you ever find yourself dangling off a building or cliff. || Read more

This workout is a time challenge and is made up of reps of 7 different exercises sandwiched between a set of burpees before and after. I really loved the flow but found a couple exercises challenging as I haven’t done them in awhile – the reptile push ups and especially the one leg burpees. I will be working on those for sure!! || Read more

This workout took me close to 15 minutes. I am just starting to get a more accurate time with all the distractions of filming the workout. It’s a new and different thing to get used to and I am learning lots by doing this and enjoying the process.
The workout moves through 10 exercises, 9 actually (one is done on both sides) and there are 20 reps of each. Many of the exercises are using dumbbells and the weights I used for these are posted below. || Read more

This 12 minute workout goes through 2 rounds of 6 exercises. The 3rd and 6th ones are abs targeted exercises and spaced out to give some recovery (while working abs) between the action ones. I really liked the flow of this workout – time went fast and I felt the effects of it after. || Read more

This upbeat fast moving workout has 2 sets of just over 5 minute intervals, set in between 3 rounds of skipping. The exercises for the first round are done using the dip station and the second set are using the Swiss ball. It’s kind of like circus training time and it actually was fun! || Read more

Transcendent workout is an action packed high intensity workout with lots of cardio mixed in with the exercises. The Lateral Jump, Kick, Curtsy, Kick exercise is crazy, but great for testing and working on your balance. Get into your best Bruce Lee mode before starting this one! It’s fun and active and makes you feel like you’ve accomplished a really good workout – in only 14 minutes!! It actually took me 13 min and 51 sec to complete. || Read more