Posts Tagged ‘10-15 min’

This time challenge workout works its way up in reps adding 10 reps for each round of exercises. Burpees get the heart rate up and leads into 3 squat and lunge leg exercises, followed by 3 abs exercises, which target all abdominal muscles, hitting the upper, lower and inner abs. The last 3 are cardio exercises. Get through these exercises as fast as you can, keeping good form. This awesome legs, butt and abs workout gives a metabolism boost that will have you burning fat for many hours after.

This upper body workout is made up of 4 rounds of 4 different favorite bodyweight exercises, great for building great arms and a fantastic upper body. Developing your lats and shoulder muscles gives your body great lines that makes your waistline look smaller. ..and you’ll look great in a tank top, or any sleeveless top. This workout also has mountain climbers and burpees for some great cardio, to build a strong heart as well! || Read more

This leg workout is a doozy. I planned it to really target the glutes and upper leg muscles. I wanted a leg workout that I could feel the burn after, and it succeeded. I had a hard time sitting for the next 2 days! Maybe it’s partly from taking a longer break before workouts than I used to, but I know many of the leg exercises in this workout are really good ones for feeling the burn, and subsequently shaping the legs and behind. || Read more

This burpees workout is a straight forward workout. 5 rounds of burpees – classic, plain, but never simple, burpees – mixed with wall sits and plank. This is a full body workout, aimed at really working the core and abs muscles with dynamic jumping actions that really boost the metabolism! It’s tough, as burpees always are. But this short, quick and intense workout goes a long way towards giving you a fantastic body! || Read more

This week, starting tomorrow I am doing a burpee challenge, just a little burpee challenge of 50 burpees every day for the next week starting Monday. I’d love you to join me!! I am going to post some of my workouts too of course! Burpees are tough, but they are one of the quickest ways I have seen to get your body lean, tight, toned and yes, even build muscle. Burpees are about as miraculous as raw food and subliminals! || Read more

This 12 minute core workout is made up of three 4 minute parts. Each part is done in intervals but for this workout there is no rest during the 4 minute intervals. You move quickly from one exercise to another. Each part has 2 exercises, one of which is a plank exercise. The plank is paired with squats in the first 2 rounds, and then with an ab exercise in the third. || Read more

This 3 part sandbag workout is a real core strengthening and tightening workout. With all of the squats and deadlifts this really works the legs, but primarily it targets the abs and core muscles. There are several one leg exercises, great balancing exercises to really develop the inner abs and assisting core muscles. These will help build your functional strength,which helps all daily movements and protects you from injury. || Read more