Superstar Arm Workout 15 min

This 15 minute arm workout is made up of all bodyweight exercises. It’s an HIIT workout with dive bombers, favorite different burpee variations, push ups and ab exercises put together to shape arms and build upper body. It’s an interval workout with 6 upper body exercises done in one round.
All you need for this HIIT interval workout is a timer. Read more about Gymboss, my favorite interval timer, and get links to online timers here. Order a Gymboss and check out my other favorite home gym equipment here.
Now grab your timers and let’s workout!
Superstar Arm Workout
Workout Breakdown
15 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following exercises 3 times:
Explosive Jumping Jacks
Dive Bombers
Crossed Leg Burpees
Walk Out to Knee Tuck Push Ups
T Burpees
Sit Up Toe Touch to Leg Lift Toe Touch
Superstar Arm Workout on Video
My Reps
Explosive Jumping Jacks – 22, 23, 21
Dive Bombers – 8, 7, 7
Crossed Leg Burpees – 4, 4, 4
Walk Out to Knee Tuck Push Ups – 4, 4, 4
T Burpees – 5, 5, 5
Sit Up Toe Touch to Leg Lift Toe Touch – 7, 8, 7
Exercise Descriptions
From standing position, bend knees into squat and reach down touching fingers to sides of feet. Then with an explosive jump, come up into a jumping jack, jumping legs out wide while and bringing arms out at sides and above head, then jump feet back in close together, coming down into squat and touching sides of feet again. This is one rep. Continue repeating movements doing as many reps as indicted or as many reps as you can for time.
Start in pike position with wide legs, head low, bend elbows and swoop head close to but not touching floor, as head goes through arms it starts coming up at the end to a cobra position but keeping torso off the ground, hold and then swoop back in the same manner back to starting position.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, cross right leg over left at ankle and do a push up, then uncross leg and cross left leg over right ankle and do another push up. Then jump legs in and then jump up in the air
Walk Out to Knee Tuck Push Ups
From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, do 2 knee tucks, one with each leg. Next do a push up and then walk arms back in, stand up and repeat.
Squat and jump legs back, push up then pivot body into side plank position with top arm stretched out towards ceiling in straight line, return to push up position, jump feet in and jump up.
Sit Up Toe Touch to Leg Lift Toe Touch
Lay on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, sit up and bring arms overhead and down to touch toes then reverse movements back to start position, next lift both legs together up to 90 degrees and then both arms to touch toes and then return arms and legs back down to ground. This is one rep. Continue with these movements alternating the sit up toe touch with a leg lift toe touch.