Subliminal Audio Messages and Programming your Subconscious Mind

Subliminal audio messages can program your subconscious mind to make empowering, healthy and life enriching decisions in your day to day life. Listening to subliminal audios is an effective way to change your deepest internal thoughts that govern all of your actions.
How would you like to automatically make choices and decisions that lead to your greatest health, abundance and success? Most of us function on ‘auto pilot’ for the majority of our waking life. How wonderful would it be to naturally, subconsciously, choose the situations and things in life that would lead to our highest potential? This is exactly what subliminal audio messages will do. They will program you to think abundantly, healthfully and successfully both with your conscious and subconscious mind.
Note added Nov 05 13: My Subliminal Audio CD’s are available now. Click here to find out more!
What are subliminal audio messages?
Subliminal audio messages are a steady stream of positive affirmations, hundreds of empowering positive affirmations embedded into another audio track, ideally soothing, relaxing, background sounds designed to put your mind into a deep theta wave and mildly hypnotic receptive state. The affirmations are recorded subliminally, just below the audible threshold, at a level that is perfect to bypass the critical conscious thinking mind and be picked up by the receptive and sensitive subconscious mind.
The Powerful and Impressionable Subconscious Mind
Exposing your subconscious to affirmations is very powerful as the subconscious brain is easily impressionable. It does not judge, or think critically or logically, as the conscious mind does. The subconscious just accepts and acts on what it is given, which with positive affirming subliminal audio messages is: powerful, abundant and healthful life-affirming information.
The subconscious is a big part of all of actions we take and the choices and decisions that we make each day. It is responsible for our likes and dislikes, our beliefs and also influences our emotions and moods. The subconscious mind is responsible for both our conscious and subconscious habits and actions. All of our inner thought processes and programming is governed by the subconscious. The programs that play and replay over in our minds is all subconscious programming.
In order to live your highest potential and bring into your life the things you really want, you must be deeply convinced that you really want these things. In order to do that you must convince your subconscious. This is usually the tricky part, to bypass the often conflicted and dual thinking conscious mind.
How subliminal audio messages work
There is a frequency that the subconscious hears and picks up that is just below the level that your conscious brain picks up. To create subliminal audios, affirmations and positive messages are embedded into other audio tracks at an ideal level that the subconscious can hear. These messages are then picked up and imprinted into the deeper governing and impressionable subconscious mind.
With subliminal audios you can bypass the conscious mind barrier and instate positive thoughts directly onto your subconscious. When information bypasses the conscious brain, it is processed by the subconscious brain as true. Old negative thoughts will be replaced by new positive thoughts that will change the way you look at yourself and the world around you. New healthy empowering programs take over in your mind.
Now, making positive changes in your life and taking action towards the life of your dreams will be effortless and fun. You will automatically make decisions and take actions to support your goals and desires. The blocks you held against your highest wellbeing will disappear and the abundance of the world will naturally and easily flow to you.
Robin’s Key Subliminal Audio Empowerment Series
12 albums of subliminal audio messages to empower you to live your richest, happiest and healthiest life! Coming soon.
I personally have used subliminal audios several times to help me achieve goals in my life: losing weight, getting fit and even to learn Spanish. These have worked every time for me and I deeply believe in their power to help you achieve the things you would like in your life. I have used them and have made them before. I believe in them so strongly that I am creating the ultimate 12 album set of powerful subliminal audios.
Here is the list of subliminal and affirmation audios that I am currently working on:
Health, Wellness and Longevity
With affirmation tracks on Self-healing, Healthy Body, Vibrant Vitality, Total Well-being and more.
Relaxed and Stress free
With affirmation tracks on Deep Sleep, Inner Peace, Relaxation, Calm Mind and more.
Weight Loss and Rejuvenation
With affirmation tracks on Fast Metabolism and Slim Body, Rejuvenation, Healthy Weight Loss, Nutritious Eating and more.
With affirmation tracks on Great Friends, Loving Family, Fantastic Love Life and more.
Mind Power
With affirmation tracks on Genius mind – High IQ, Quick Thinking, Great Memory, Focus and Concentration and more.
Boost Creativity
With affirmation tracks on Creating and Creativity, Inspiration, My Amazing Life and more.
With affirmation tracks on Abundance, Travel and Lifestyle, Beautiful Happy Home and more.
Business Success
With affirmation tracks on Financial Wealth, Fame and Charisma, Communication and Persuasion, Love my Work and more.
Optimism and Happiness
With affirmation tracks on Optimistic Attitude, Love my World, High Self Esteem and more.
Fit and Fabulous Body
With affirmation tracks on Love to Exercise, Body Image Self Confidence, Build Muscle and Sculpt Body and more.
Habits and Addictions
With affirmation tracks on Quit Smoking, Quit Drinking, Quit Sugar, Quit Coffee and more.
Motivation and Enthusiasm
With affirmation tracks on Motivated to Succeed, Productive and Energized, Enthusiasm, Success and more.
The Audios are Underway!
Each of the affirmation tracks is being embedded into 4 different relaxing background sounds. 2 of the backgrounds include binaural beats, a certain frequency (that is different in each ear) shown to more greatly impact our subconscious when listening to subliminal audios.
The beautifully mixed back ground tracks are:
Heavenly Peace – a peaceful mix of harp and nature sounds
Soothing Spa – tranquil water, chimes and spa sounds
Relaxation – ambient tambura, ocean, drums and shakuhachi flute
Drum Meditation – hand drums, recorder, kalimba, wind chimes and digiridoo
There will also be a silent track for each set of affirmations that can be played unnoticed in the background anywhere!
I believe that each of us can have whatever it is we desire in life. We are all capable of so much, and what is holding almost every one of us back from our dreams and goals is our minds programming. If we can’t do something, it is almost always because we have blocks against it, and faulty programming that is telling us we can’t do those things we want to do, or have the things we want, in our life.
Reprogram your thinking to work for you, and live the life of your dreams!