Strawberry Pecan Salad and Poppyseed Dressing

Strawberry Pecan Salad is a salad that it seems everyone loves! It’s elegant yet fun, delicious, sweet and I love this Poppyseed Dressing to go with it. It is a little different from the traditional white creamy sweet one you often see with it. This one is sweet but also a savory flavor to it, that I think enhances and enlivens the strawberries, pecans and baby spinach leaves. Try it and see if you agree. I love this combo! ..& I think you will too!!
Strawberry Pecan Salad
This is so simple and easy, yet so beautiful and romantic. It is one of my favorites!
1 big bowlful of Baby Spinach Leaves
10 Strawberries – sliced
½ c Pecans
Optional ingredients – a handful of Pumpkin Seeds, Red Onion slices, Sprouts
Place in bowl and top with Poppy seed Dressing.
Poppy seed Dressing
¼ cup Agave
¼ cup Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Tamari
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Poppy seeds
2 Tbsp Red Onion – minced
dash of Paprika
Salt to taste
Whisk ingredients together in a bowl or blend all ingredients, except poppy seeds and onion, together in a blender. After well blended add the poppy seeds and onion and blend slowly to incorporate. This will keep for several weeks to a month in the refrigerator.
Recipe on Video