Squat Drop and Chop Workout est 25 min

Squats are one of the top exercises for shaping your legs and working your glutes and this squat workout is filled with them. This one will leave you with muscle burn for a few days after. The squat drop and chop workout combines lots of squats with burpees; each burpee has 10 squats attached to it. Yes, 10! ..and each round of burpees is followed by a different chop based ab exercise. So in addition to hitting your legs and butt this workout really targets your abs as well, which get tackled first with burpees and then with chop crunches. Awesome! We’re shaping our summer body early this year and this workout will bring you one step closer to feeling great in that bikini. Guaranteed.
Bonus: Squats work nearly every major muscle in the lower body and as our lower body muscles are generally the largest in our bodies and having more muscles helps us to burn more fat, then this means squats are one of the best exercises for losing weight!
Squat Drop and Chop Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do the following sequence. Take a little break, and then do it again.
5 10 Dynamic Squat Burpees
20 Alternating Ab Chop Leg Raise
5 10 Squat Burpees
20 One Leg Toe Touch
5 10 Pulse Squat Burpees
20 3 Point Ab Chops
5 10 Side to Side Squat Burpees
20 Sit Up with Overhead Chop
Each round took me just over 12 minutes and with a little break between them, approx. 1 min; this workout took me 25 minutes to complete.
Workout on Video
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Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, do 10 dynamic squats by jumping legs out and squating down simultaneously touching ground with fingers while in squat, then you jump feet back in and stand up. Do 10 of these squats and then place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Lying with legs stretched out and flat on ground, and with arms outstretched behind head also on the ground with hands together, sit up bringing arms high overhead and down to the right side towards the ground, while simultaneously lifting up left leg. Keep arms and legs straight throughout movements. After hands come down towards ground and leg is raised up foot towards ceiling, reverse the movements and come back to start position. For the next rep swing your arms up overhead and down to the left side while lifting your right leg up and then come back down to lying start position. Continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, do 10 bodyweight squats and then place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
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Standing with feet hip width apart, squat and do 10 pulses in squat position, and then place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head and hands held or close together, sit up and bring hands high in a circular motion overhead and down to the right side to ground, keeping arms outstretched throughout movement. Then reverse movement bringing torso back to ground and arms and hands back overhead. This is one rep. On the next rep bring hands between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring down hands to the left side, continue alternating bringing hands down to these 3 points.
Standing with feet hip width apart, do 10 side to side squats, first take a step out to the right and squat down and then step back to start position and repeat on other side; stepping out on left side, squat and return. Continue alternating sides with each rep. Do 10 squats in this manner and then place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring hands down between legs towards ground and then reverse the movement back to start position. This is one rep.