Squat and Run Legs and Abs Workout est 40 min


posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

This legs and abs workout combines squats, a roll over burpee, jumping and abs exercises to strengthen core and work many muscles of the body, while being primarily focused on shaping the legs and tightening abdominal muscles. The exercises in this workout are done with a medicine ball, but they can also be done by using another weighted object or with just bodyweight. This legs and abs core workout will provide a good workout with or without a weighted object.

The full version with 5 rounds is a long workout and took me close to 40 minutes to complete. It felt great and the time went by fast. The flow of exercises moves you from one to another quickly so you don’t get bored and you may actually forget about the time!

However if you have less time, instead of 5 rounds, you can plan to do 4 rounds or even 3 rounds. If you are moving close to my speed, 4 rounds will take about 30 minutes and 3 rounds will take just under 20 minutes.

You will need a timer. Check out Gymboss interval timer or get links to online timers here.  A medicine ball or other weighted object is great to use in this workout if desired, but not necessary.


Squat and Run Legs and Abs Workout

Workout Breakdown

Do each of the following 5 exercises for each round

Round 1 – Do 8 reps of each and then 50 Mountain Climbers
Round 2 – Do 10 reps of each and then 50 Mountain Climbers
Round 3 – Do 12 reps of each and then 50 Mountain Climbers
Round 4 – Do 14 reps of each and then 50 Mountain Climbers
Round 5 – Do 16 reps of each and then you are done!

Lateral Jump and Diagonal Woodchop with Medicine ball
Leg Circle Squat with Medicine ball
Roll Over Weighted V Up Burpee
Squat, Twist and Knee Tuck with Medicine ball
Slow Leg Raise with Weighted Star Crunch


Squat and Run Legs and Abs Workout on Video


My Times

Round 1 – 4:21 and then 1 minute for Mountain Climbers
Round 2 – 5:54 and then 1 minute for Mountain Climbers
Round 3 – 7:04 and then 1 minute for Mountain Climbers
Round 4 – 8:20 and then 1 minute for Mountain Climbers
Round 5 – 9:15

Estimated Times to Complete Workout

5 rounds – est 40 min total
4 rounds – est 30 min  (30 – 32 mins)
3 rounds – est 20 min  (18 – 20 mins)


Exercise Descriptions

Lateral Jump and Diagonal Woodchop with Medicine ball

Leg Circle Squat with Medicine ball

Roll Over Weighted V Up Burpee

Squat, Twist and Knee Tuck with Medicine ball

Slow Leg Raise with Weighted Star Crunch


Have a great workout!


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