Spin Cycle Ab Workout est 15 min

This ab workout has 2 parts. The first part is an exercise circuit combo that is great for strengthening the core muscles with lots of jumping and different full body exercises. It is a time challenge so set your timer and see how long it takes you to go through this bodyweight exercise combo circuit. The second part is made up of HIIT intervals with some of my favorite ab exercises.
All you need for this workout is an interval timer. For more about Gymboss, my fav timer, or to get links to online timers, click the links!
Now get your timer set and let’s go!
Spin Cycle Ab Workout
Workout Breakdown
This is a 2 part workout.
Part 1 – Time Challenge
Do 10 rounds of the following:
Burpee, 2 Jumps back
5 Squats, 2 Jumps to the right
10 Jackknives, 2 Jumps forward
10 Mountain Climbers, 2 Jumps to the left
Part 2 – 6 min of intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:
Elbow to Knee Crunches
One Leg Toe Touch
Push Through Crunches
Crab Toe Touch
Spin Cycle Ab Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1 took me approx. 9 minutes
Part 2
Elbow to Knee Crunches – 20, 21
One Leg Toe Touch – 22, 21
Push Through Crunches – 18, 20
Crab Toe Touch – 26, 25
Exercise Descriptions
Lie on ground with legs straight out and flat or just slightly bent and legs wide. Place your hands behind your head and then lift shoulders and upper torso crunching abs, bring in one knee and twist body bringing the opposite side elbow close to knee and then reverse motion going back to start position lying flat and continue doing these crunches repeating bringing up the same elbow and knee throughout the interval period. For another interval period, switch sides and do crunches bring in the opposite knee and elbow.
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and both arms simultaneously, touch toe and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.
Lying on mat bend knees and legs up, feet on ground, bring hands close together in front of you and crunch up pushing hands through space between legs, continue pulsing and crunching abs, pushing hands together between through legs.
Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.