Skipping the Rounds Workout est 15 min

This workout takes only 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of 6 minute intervals with 100 skips in between them, as well as 100 before and after to make 300 skips. The skipping can be alternated for high knees (running with knees high on the spot) or jumping jacks or a run around the block., however you most prefer to get in your cardio. But skipping is one of the best forms of cardio there is!! let’s see you get your skipping rope out!
Skipping the Rounds Workout
Workout Breakdown
100 Skips
6 min. intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 sec (rest interval) and 30 sec (work interval) and go through the following 3 exercises 3 times:
1. One Jump Forward, Two Jumps Back
2. Burpees
3. 3 Point Russian Twist with Medicine ball
100 Skips
6 min. intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 sec (rest interval) and 30 sec (work interval) and go through the following 3 exercises 3 times:
1. Medicine Ball Circle Plank
2. Jump Lunges
3. 3 Point Roll Back with Medicine ball
100 Skips
Workout in Action
I am experimenting with filming workouts – in trying different ways of doing it, different camera angles, lighting, editing, the works.. so in this one I did the workout separately and then came back and filmed each of the exercises, which I put together for this video. While this demonstrated the exercises fine, to me it didn’t seem to have the same feel as filming the actual workout being done. So next one I will film while doing the whole workout! hey, it’s all a learning process.. I’m getting there ..and doing my best. : )
Exercise Descriptions
One Jump Forward, Two Jumps Back
Standing with legs shoulder width apart squat down slightly and take a big jump forward with both legs at the same time, then take 2 jumps back again with both legs at the same time to end up in your starting position. This is one rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
All burpees are done with a push up, unless otherwise stated. If it doesn’t say, it comes with one.
3 Point Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and hold medicine ball close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground then lift medicine ball up as high as you can, and continue bringing ball to ground at right hip, then left hip and up high.
Start in high plank (push up) position, supporting yourself with left arm, place your right hand on medicine ball and roll ball around in a huge circle formation always keeping it within reach. Make 3 circles and then roll it towards left hand and switch, this time supporting with right arm and using left hand to roll medicine ball around in circles. Each circle is one rep.
Start in a Forward Lunge position and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that the one behind is forward and the forward one is behind. Each jump is one rep
3 Point Roll Back with Medicine ball
Standing at one end of mat hold medicine ball in front of you, roll back so knees are overhead and touch ball on ground behind head, then roll forward, touch ball to ground in front of you, come up to standing and lift medicine ball high overhead and then bring back to start position. This is one rep
Have great workout!!