Skipping School Workout est 30 min

This Skipping School Workout has 1000 skips done in 10 rounds of 100 reps. It has lots of dynamic and fun exercises interspersed between the rounds which makes it go by fast. As your mind keeps track of the different exercises being done, it is preoccupied and before you know it sweaty dripping mess on a great little endorphin high! It’s great!!
This is one from my archives; I did it last May and it took me 28:30 then. It took me longer this time I think this time with the filming. Not sure tho as I didn’t time it. This was my 1st time being filmed! How daring I’ve become. ; ) The evolution of these continues.. and soon I will put on the timer and do these properly. I still did it, but not as a time challenge this time as intended.
Skipping School Workout
Workout Breakdown
100 Skips
Roll Back and Up to Standing – 10 reps
Dynamic Squats – 20 reps
100 Skips
Wall Sit – 40 reps
Wall March – 20 reps
100 Skips
Russian Twist with Medicine ball – 40 reps
Leg Lift/Butt Lift – 20 reps
100 Skips
T Push ups with Leg Lift – 10 reps
Low Jacks – 20 reps
100 Skips
Burpees with Lateral Jump and Side Lunge – 10 reps
Plank – count to 30
100 Skips
Crunches on Swiss ball – 30 reps
One Leg Toe Touch – 20 reps
100 Skips
Side to Side Squats – 40 reps
100 Skips
Single Leg Deadlift, left – 20 reps
Single Leg Deadlift, right – 20 reps
* note. I used my sandbag; you can use sandbag, dumbbell, other or no weight
100 Skips
Dynamic Push ups – 10 reps
Get ups – 10 reps
100 Skips
Workout in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Standing at one end of mat, roll back so knees are overhead and then forward again and roll right back up to standing.
From standing, jump legs out and squat down simultaneously touching ground with fingers while in squat, then jump feet back in and stand up.
Sit with back against wall and legs and knees at 90 degree angles as if sitting in a chair and hold this position as long as exercise indicates.
Hold plank position with your feet up on a wall, body can be stright or feet can be elevated higher on wall, use arms and core to stabilize, then bring knee of one leg in towards chest and back to wall, then do the same with other leg and continue alternating legs.
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides. Each touch down with medicine ball is one rep.
Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and then lift butt off ground using lower abs. Lower legs back down to ground and repeat.
Do a regular push up and then turn into side plank position and extend your top arm up to ceiling in a straight line, then keeping that position lift top leg as high as you can and then lower back down. Then bring arm back down to ground, coming back into plank position. Alternate sides for each rep.
With legs in a wide stance and body kept low in a half squat position, jump legs in together and then back out keeping body low the whole time. Each jump out counts as one rep.
Burpees with Lateral Jump and Side Lunge
Do a Burpee (Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air. ) Then instead of jumping up in the air, jump sideways with both feet, then take a big step in towards the side you just jumped from with inner leg, keeping it straight and then bending outside leg and go down into a side lunge. Come up, bring inner leg back in to standing position and repeat movements but on the other side going back to start position. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
From push up position, come down onto forearms and hold body up in a straight line only supported by your feet and forearms. Pull in tummy to best work abs. Hold this position for required time.
Lie back with midsection on ball, facing up with feet on floor, arms are held out parallel to ground alongside torso, crunch torso up, tightening abs in each crunch, and then releasing back.
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and both arms simultaneously, touch toe and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.
Start standing with legs together, then take a step out to the right and squat down and then step back to start position and repeat on other side; step out on left side, squat and return. Continue alternating sides with each rep.
Single Leg Deadlift with sandbag
Standing straight with one leg off ground, bend at waist, pivoting body forward and grab handles of sandbag, balance on one leg and bring other leg straight out behind you holding it straight. Pivot body up, keeping leg straight to standing and then slowly lower body and sandbag back down to ground, letting sandbag gently touch ground and repeat.
From push up position jump legs out wide as you lower your body to ground, as you come back up jump feet back in together.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground with arms beside you. Then sit up, bending one leg under you and put other foot on ground, using the strength of that leg lift yourself up – try to not use hands for support, and get up to standing. Then reverse movement to lie down again and continue repeating these movements. To modify, use your hands for support to help you get up.
Have a great workout!!