This dip station workout is a 20 minute workout made up of intervals. It has lots of new dip station exercises alternated with a great abs exercise to really work the abs muscles. A Swiss ball is used in some of the exercises, which adds to the variety. But if you don’t have a Swiss ball no worries, variations are given below. This is a great upper body workout that will leave you feeling it in your arms and abs the next day. The workout is fun and the time goes by fast.
I love my dip station but go through phases of working out with it. After a good workout using it, like this one, I always wonder why I don’t use it more often. I love to change up the equipment I use, alternating using the sandbag, Ugi, dumbbells and bodyweight. So it’s great to use the dip station again. It really changed it up again, which is great for the body, for building different muscles and to keep you out of getting into a rut and plateauing!
So grab your timers and get out your dip stations and let’s workout!
Skinny Dipping Dip Station Workout
Workout Breakdown
20 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 30 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:
Reverse Push Up with Double Crunch
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Swiss Ball Elevated Dip Station Push Ups
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Diagonal Knee Raises
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Dive Bombers
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Knee Raise Burpees
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Squat and Knee Raise
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Swiss Ball Elevated Reverse Push Ups
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball
Push Up to Knee Raise
Variations without using a Swiss ball
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – Do ab pulses from the ground or mat. Lay back with legs relaxed and knees bent and holding a weight up high, crunch up and pulse in this crunch raising weight up towards the ceiling each time you crunch and pulse up. Tighten and contract ab muscles throughout all movements.
Swiss Ball Elevated Dip Station Push Ups – Elevate legs on a bench, chair or other object instead.
Swiss Ball Elevated Reverse Push Ups – Elevate legs on another object or do regular reverse push ups without elevating legs.
Dip Station Workout on Video
My Reps
Reverse Push Up with Double Crunch – 6, 7
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 15, 18
Swiss Ball Elevated Dip Station Push Ups – 6, 5
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 18, 16
Diagonal Knee Raises – 16, 15
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 15, 18
Dive Bombers – 5, 5
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 17, 19
Knee Raise Burpees – 4, 4
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball -18, 17
Squat and Knee Raise – 7, 7
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 17, 18
Swiss Ball Elevated Reverse Push Ups – 7, 8
Weighted Ab Pulses on Swiss Ball – 16, 17
Push Up to Knee Raise – 5, 4
Sitting on ground just in front of dip station, reach up and grab handles, bend legs or stretch out legs in front of you. The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge. Then pull yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lower yourself back down. The do a double crunch by bringing in your legs and crunching torso, with your arms alongside your body parallel to ground, release crunch, straighten legs and bring feet back to ground. This is one rep. Continue doing reverse push ups followed by double crunches.
Lie back with your mid to lower back on Swiss ball, then extend your arms out overhead holding a dumbbell or other weight with both hands. Pulse your torso up until you feel your abs contact while reaching up with dumbbell towards ceiling and then release. Continue with these movements of pulsing up and then lightly releasing.
Start with legs to the side, between side legs of dip station, bring legs up in a knee raise and go down to other side in between side legs of dip station, continue doing knee raises alternating sides your legs go to after and starting the raise
Start in pike position with wide legs, head low, bend elbows and swoop head close to but not touching floor, as head goes through arms it starts coming up at the end to a cobra position but keeping torso off the ground, hold and then swoop back in the same manner back to starting position.
Standing behind dip station, squat and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, then jump legs back in and step or reach forward grasping handles of dip station and do a knee raise, straightening arms to lift yourself up off the floor, bending legs and bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to floor and step back behind dip station..
Stand in middle of dip station and squat into a deep squat and then grasp handles of dip station and lift yourself off ground and bring knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs, release handles and squat low again and continue alternating doing knee raises and squats
Sitting on ground just in front of dip station with feet, or shins, elevated on a Swiss ball, reach up and grab handles, keeping legs balanced on Swiss ball do reverse psh ups, pulling yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lowering yourself back down. Continue pulling yourself up and lowering for as many reps as you can in time or for number of reps indicated.
Get into push up position with hands just behind the back bar of dip station, do a push up, then jump or step legs in and grasp handles of dip station and do a knee raise, straightening arms to lift yourself up off the floor, bending legs and bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to floor. This is one rep. Continue alternating doing a push up and then a knee raise as many times as you can in interval period.