Skating on Thin Thighs Workout 32 min

Lots of skipping here – 300 reps before, during and after, so 900 total!! ..and yes, go ahead and do your favorite cardio if skipping isn’t your thing or you can’t in your environment: high knees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, a run.. all good! I love some of the exercises in this one, esp Thigh & Fly, Skater exercises, T Burpees, One Arm Lift, lots of good ones – a dynamic and fun mix up to make time fly by!
This workout took me aprox 32 minutes to finish. Time your skipping intervals ..or the whole workout, like me. Keep track of it in a journal so you will see your improvement in your times and reps. Continue doing these workouts and you will notice a rapid improvement in strength and speed.
Skating on Thin Thighs Workout
Workout Breakdown
300 Skips
10 Min intervals – Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work. Then do 2 rounds of these 6 exercises:
1. One Arm Lift
2. Skaters
3. Swiss ball Thigh and Fly
4. T Burpees (aka Santana Burpees)
5. Back Lifts with Swiss ball Butt Squeeze
6. Speed Skater Squats
300 Skips
10 Min intervals – do the same as above
300 Skips
See it in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Lie flat on ground with legs apart, put on hand under shoulder area and place the other on your butt. Press with arm to lift upper body and then hips high up. Reverse movement to get back into starting position.
Jump sideways across an imaginary border and land on the outside leg, try not to let the inside leg touch the ground. As soon as you land with outer leg, bring inner leg to cross behind outer leg, like a curtsy but without touching ground with back leg, if you can. This exercise is great for balance. Bring inner leg back and jump with it to where you started and repeat movements on the other side. Continue jumping from side to side, alternating legs each jump.
Lie on back, and with arms outstretched to sides and dumbbells in hands raise arms straight up to ceiling with palms facing inward, while lifting legs with Swiss ball held between feet, so soles of feet are facing ceiling. Lower arms with dumbbells and legs with ball simultaneously, if this is too challenging, alternate lifting arms and lowering and then lifting legs and lowering. Practise with lower weight dumbbells first until you get it.
Squat and Jump legs back, push up then pivot body into side plank position with top arm stretched out towards ceiling in straight line, return to pushup postion, jump feet in and jump up.
Back Lifts with Swiss ball Squeeze
Lie face down on mat holding Swiss ball between feet and with arms together overhead, then bring arms down in an outstretched snowangel circle lifting back as they go behind you while simultaneously squeezing and lifting Swiss ball. Release circling arms back to their overhead start position.
From standing with feet shoulder width apart, squat down and then come up halfway and raise one leg, keeping it straight, out to the side, then bring leg back to start position. Do another squat followed with the opposite leg lift to the other side. Continue alternating side that do the leg lift for each rep, keeping low throughout all movements.
Have a great workout! : )