Sidewalk Ball Game Ugi Workout est 24 min

This time challenge Ugi workout is really core and abs focused. It has 5 rounds and each round has 40 reps of a different Ugi crunch exercise, as well as a newly designed way to get more burpees in. This innovative burpee strategy worked for me to give them a bit of a new twist. The accompanying squats provide a little extra leg and butt work and it never hurts to do a little extra work on those! Well, it may hurt a bit the next day, but you’ll look fabulous for it and feel great when you look in the mirror. Really we know that being fit is most important for our health and the benefits of these short workouts are worth it to feel great on the inside.. but it’s a serious bonus to look great outside too!
Sidewalk Ball Game Ugi Workout
Workout Description
Time challenge. See how long it takes you to complete all five rounds of this workout. It took me just over 24 minutes.
Do 5 rounds of:
10 Side Walking Squat Burpees (3 squats each)
40 Ugi Crunches
For each round do a different Ugi Crunch:
Round 1 – One Leg Toe Touch with Ugi
Round 2 – 90 Degree Ugi Crunches
Round 3 – Side Toe Touch with Ugi
Round 4 – 45 Degree Ugi Twist
Round 5 – Ugi Overhead Sit Ups
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Start standing facing the left hand side end of a yoga mat and take one step to the right and do a low squat, then bring left foot in to right and step out again with right foot and squat, do the same again bringing in left foot, stepping out with right and squat and come up. Then place hands on ground on mat in front of feet and do a burpee, jumping legs back to plank, doing a push up, jumping legs back in and jumping up in the air. This is one rep. For the next rep do the same thing but walk back over to the left side while doing 3 squats to reach the other end, your start position and do a burpee. Continue these movements until you have completed 10 burpees. Each burpee is preceded by 3 walking squats.
Lay on ground with legs straight and flat on ground and arms also held out straight behind head holding onto Ugi. Lift one leg and at the same time lift Ugi up and touch Ugi to toe, and then return both back to start position. Repeat lifting up the opposite leg, touch toe to Ugi and return to ground. Continue alternating lifting right and left legs for each rep.
Lay straight on a mat or the ground and lift legs up at a 90 degree angle bending knees so that they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair), set Ugi on your shins and then crunch your body up and as you come up reach out your hands and touch the sides of Ugi and then release and come back down. Continue these movements doing as many reps as possible in time period.
Lay on mat and bring legs up so they are at 90 degrees with soles of feet facing ceiling, hands are overhead holding onto Ugi at ground, crunch up torso and bring Ugi up to touch the outer side of left foot toes and then keeping legs up throughout all movements, lower torso and Ugi back to the ground. This is one rep. For the next rep bring Ugi up to touch the outer side of right foot toes and then bring Ugi back to ground. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, lean back to 45 degrees and hold Ugi out in front of you. Holding the 45 degree position bring Ugi over to your right, then bring it back to center with arms kept straight. Next bring Ugi over to left side keeping arms straight and then bring it back to center start position. Continue with these movements alternating bringing Ugi from center to right to center to left.
Lying on ground with knees bent hold Ugi on ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi up lifting it towards ceiling, reverse movement bringing Ugi back. This is one rep. Do as many reps as possible in time period or set number of reps as indicated.
Have a great workout!