Side Lunge Clean to Forward Lunge Clean with Sandbag

Side Lunge Clean to Forward Lunge Clean with Sandbag– Start at standing position with sandbag on ground in front of you. Bend over grabbing the 2 horizontal handles of sandbag, lift it up to hip level and roll onto the backs of your hands (clean). Take a step out to the side and do a side lunge and roll sandbag back down to ground just in front of the foot that you have stepped out with. Roll sandbag back up onto back of hands and step back in to start position. For the next rep step out in front with the same leg that had just stepped out to the side and do a forward lunge on that leg, roll sandbag down to ground in front of the foot that is forward, then roll sandbag back up onto back of hands and step back in to start position.