Shoulder Cap Campout Workout est 21 min

This workout might be more appropriately named Shoulder Cap Burnout! The goal is to have you feeling it and feel the burn, not hurting in a bad way of course, just a little burn to build the muscle. The focus of this workout is really the lateral arm raises. I love this exercise as it helps build great shoulder caps which look really great on the body! The arm raises work the medial head of the deltoid muscles, that is the shoulders. There are 3 muscles here: anterior (front), posterior (back) and medial in the middle – that’s our focus!
I picked a weight for the arm raises at just what I thought I would be able to do 10 reps of, and do with (fairly) good form. I didn’t have a mirror in front of me and this is a good exercise to have a mirror for, so that you can watch your arms and bring them just parallel to the floor. Bringing them higher will not hurt anything, it just doesn’t do anything and is not necessary. Make sure you do not sacrifice form by choosing dumbbells with a weight that is too high to do the work properly. I have lots of small dumbbells and so lowered by one pound for each round. If you only have a few, you can use the same weight for them all.
If you do not have dumbbells you can use a water bottle, and to lower the weight for each round just pour a little water out.
I liked the combo of other exercises with the arm raises too. For some reason the first round seemed almost hardest and then I kind of just flowed through the rest of them. And a good longer workout always feels great afterwards!
Shoulder Cap Campout Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 5 rounds of this sequence and take a one minute break between each round:
10 Lateral Arm Raises with Dumbbells
15 Plank Jack to Jumping Jack
10 Push Ups
5 Burpees
For each round I lowered the weight by one pound for each dumbbell for the lateral arm raises. Modify if necessary. I did some of the push ups in the last 2 rounds on my knees.
Workout on Video
My times for each round and weights for the lateral arm raises:
Round 1 – Db’s were 8 lbs – 3 min and 6 seconds
Round 2 – Db’s were 7 lbs – 3 min and 34 seconds
Round 3 – Db’s were 6 lbs – 3 min and 25 seconds
Round 4 – Db’s were 5 lbs – 3 min and 20 seconds
Round 5 – Db’s were 4 lbs – 3 min and 6 seconds
Total time, including breaks = 20 min and 36 seconds.
Exercise Descriptions
Lateral Arm Raises with Dumbbells
Start standing with legs hip width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Start with a weight low enough that you feel you can do 10 repetitions of this with good form. Hold dumbbells at each side and have your arms straight but relaxed. Keeping your arms straight, bring up dumbbells to the side so that arms are shoulder height and parallel to the ground and then bring back down. This is one rep. Make sure all the movements for this exercise are slow and controlled. Do not use momentum to get the dumbbells up, if you need to swing them up the weight is likely too high, lower the weight to avoid any injury.
Start at standing and bend down placing hands on ground and jump or step legs back to plank and do a plank jack, then jump in legs and come up and do a jumping jack. This is one rep.
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.