Sandbag Pull with Knee Tucks and Reptiles exercise

Sandbag Pull with Knee Tucks and Reptiles – Place sandbag on ground and then get into high plank (push up position) just to the right side of sandbag so that sandbag is at chest level on ground below you just to your left. Do 2 knee tucks, first right knee to left elbow and then left knee to right elbow, then do 2 reptiles alternating right knee coming out at side to same side elbow and then left knee coming out and towards left elbow, after these then lift right hand and pull sandbag over to the right side of you, and then hand goes back to ground. Do 2 knee tucks and 2 reptiles as before and then lift your left hand and pull sandbag back to the left side of you where it started. Continue alternating doing knee tucks/reptiles and then pulling sandbag on ground to opposite side for set reps or time. Each time you pull the sandbag over counts as one rep.