Ruud van Empel – A Modern Rousseau

Ruud van Empel creates digitally enhanced photographs with a dream-like quality. His idyllic scenes of children in lush tropical settings evoke a modern Eden, but a paradise shrouded with mystery. These complex works are bursting with life and color. Lush, surreal, immaculate, flawless beauty that brings up a discussion of perfection and innocence. Join me on a voyage that borders reality and imagination through the portal of Rud van Empel’s visions.
The Dream of Ruud van Empel
Dutch artist Ruud van Empel is known for his photographs, which are digitally manipulated through Photoshop to give a painterly feel. His photographs of children models along with detailed images of leaves, flowers, plants and nature are combined to create his lush tropical dreamlike scenes. The images hold a surreal combination of an artificial nature that leaves you in a modern fantasy world that almost feels real.
World 29
Boy and Girl
Dawn 2
Study in Green 10
Study in Green 16
Theater 1
Theater 3
Theater 4
World 25
World 14
World 15
World 35
World 30
World 23
Have a beautiful day!
Images from Ruud van Empel’s website.