Rotating Wide Squats with Sandbag Clean exercise

Rotating Wide Squats with Sandbag Clean – Start standing and holding onto sandbag at chest level by lateral handles with sandbag flipped over onto the backs of your hands. Take a wide step to the right and come down into a squat while doing a sandbag clean, flipping sandbag over your knuckles and bringing it to the ground. Come up out of the squat and bring up sandbag back up, flipping it over your knuckles to the back of your hand and holding in close to chest. Now keeping your right foot on the ground lift left foot and pivot body around 180 degrees so you are facing in the opposite direction and bring left foot down into a wide stance, squat and do another sandbag clean. For the next rep keep left foot on the ground and pivot body 180 degrees bringing right foot around and down into a wide stance facing the side you started facing and do a squat and sandbag clean. Then do one more rotating squat turning 180 degrees, doing a squat and clean. This was 4 reps, for the next 4 reps reverse your movements and work your way back in the same manner until you reach the start position. Continue doing squats and sandbag cleans like this until time or reps are up.