Rocket of Desire Swiss Ball Ab Workout

This Swiss ball ab workout has 3 rounds filled with cardio exercises and HIIT interval training, Each round has mountain climbers and burpees set around 5 minutes of interval training with 6 great stability ball ab exercises. Two of these Swiss ball abs exercises are weighted using a dumbbell. You can use any weighted object you have available. The HIIT training section has new ab exercises and I really loved this one. Creative new HIIT workouts, and changing it up with new Swiss ball exercises, makes the workout fun and go by fast, as well as works different muscles.
The best thing is, that I am feeling his workout now, even 2 days later, and not just in my abs but also in new places in my body, the backs of my upper arms and also legs, which means it was hitting some new places in my body and that is great. But really, it mostly targets the ab muscles and that is where you should feel it most.
Remember when doing the workout to focus on your abs muscles and contract them. This will help target those muscles to build abs and strengthen your core.
Rocket of Desire Swiss Ball Ab Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 3 rounds of the following:
100 Mountain Climbers
5 minutes of Intervals – Set your timer for 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following 6 exercises:
Leg Raise and Touch Back, Up and Back with Swiss Ball
3 Point Ab Chops on Swiss Ball
Leg Raise with Swiss Ball and Dumbbell Touch
Alternating Toe Touch and Push Through Crunches with Swiss Ball
Ab Pulses with Dumbbell on Swiss Ball
Passing Ball with Swiss Ball
10 Burpees
To get an interval timer or other home gym exercise equipment, please click on the links from my Resource page
Swiss ball Ab Workout on Video
My Reps
Each round took me almost 7 minutes and I took a 1 minute break between rounds.
Leg Raise and Touch Back, Up and Back with Swiss Ball – 5, 5, 5
3 Point Ab Chops on Swiss Ball – 22, 25, 24
Leg Raise with Swiss Ball and Dumbbell Touch – 10, 10, 12
Alt. Toe Touch and Push Through Crunches with Swiss Ball – 8, 9, 10
Ab Pulses with Dumbbell on Swiss Ball – 23, 26, 26
Passing Ball with Swiss Ball – 13, 12, 13
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.
Leg Raise and Touch Back, Up and Back with Swiss Ball
Lie flat on back, with arms at your side and Swiss ball held between feet, lift legs up and bending at hips bring ball, still held between feet, back to touch the ground behind your head, lift up lower torso and bum, raising ball up high and touch ball down to ground behind head again and then bring ball back to start position. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as you can in the interval period.
3 Point Ab Chops on Swiss Ball
Lie back with your mid to lower back on Swiss ball, then extend your arms out with hands held together behind head. Crunch up and bring arms overhead and down between knees, then go back to start position. This is one rep. On the next rep bring arms overhead and down to the right side and back, and for the third rep bring arms down to the left side, continue alternating crunching up and bringing arms over and down to these 3 points.
Leg Raise with Swiss Ball and Dumbbell Touch
Lie on back, and with arms outstretched behind head on floor holding onto a dumbbell with both hands. Lift legs with Swiss ball held between feet, so soles of feet are facing ceiling and bring the dumbbell up and touch the Swiss ball with the dumbbell. Then lower arms and dumbbell and legs with ball back down to the ground. This is one rep.
Alternating Toe Touch and Push Through Crunches with Swiss Ball
Lying on ground, lift legs up to 90 degrees with soles of feet facing the ceiling and holding the Swiss ball up between your feet. Reach up towards the left side and touch toes with fingertips, come back and then repeat on the right side, touching toes of the right foot with fingers. Next crunch up and push hands held together through legs. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as you can in the time interval.
Ab Pulses with dumbbell on Swiss ball
Lie back with your mid to lower back on Swiss ball, then extend your arms out overhead holding a dumbbell with both hands. Pulse your torso up until you feel your abs contact while reaching up with dumbbell towards ceiling and then release. Continue with these movements of pulsing up and then lightly releasing.
Lying face up on exercise mat with legs on ground and arms extended on ground above head, hold Swiss ball between feet and raise legs up, with Swiss ball between feet until legs are at 90 degrees and bottoms of feet are facing ceiling, reach up and take Swiss ball in hands and simultaneously lower Swiss ball back to ground behind head keeping arms fully extended throughout movement and legs also kept fully extended back down to ground. Then again simultaneously lifting arms, holding Swiss ball, and legs up until both are at center position extended out towards ceiling, Grab Swiss ball between feet and lower down to ground while simultaneously lowering outstretched arms back to ground overhead. Continue alternating movements passing the ball from feet to hands and back to feet and so on. Each time the ball touches the ground is one rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Have a great workout!