Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe


posted by on Recipes - Drinks

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This green juice recipe is not for the faint of taste. Wink My mom looked at me questioningly, like – You want me to drink that? haha. I loved it, but admittedly it is one of my stronger juices. I planned it that way as I knew I was going to make crackers from the pulp. Look for my Non Fiction Pulp Crackers coming tomorrow!

I could have just added more spice, ginger and garlic to the crackers, but I also know that the strong tasting ingredients in this juice have special healing, ultra detoxing and nutritional powers. They have benefits that you just can’t find in milder flavors, and put together like this, if you can handle garlic and ginger at all, they taste great!

Come share a glass of Rocket Fire with me. You can add a chili or some cayenne too, to really blast it off!

Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe


Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe

2 cups Arugula
3 Kale leaves
3 Carrots
1 Apple
2 Garlic cloves


Juicing Photos

Assemble and prep your ingredients.

I used collards instead of the arugula because that was what I had. I still have tons of it (and kale) in the garden! But I love the name, and it works as arugula is also called rocket in many places. Also,  arugula – or rocket – is incredibly good for you and would be ideal for this juice!

Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe - ingredients

Juice all ingredients.

Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe - juicing

Then pour in a glass and drink right away.

Rocket Fire Green Juice Recipe

Cheers! To your health!!


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