Rocket Abs Core Workout est 18 min

This abs core workout has 3 parts. It has 10 minutes of HIIT intervals with plank and crunch variations, sandwiched between two shorter time challenge rounds. The first and the third parts are made up of a fun exercise combo and take 3 to 4 minutes each. These rounds have a lot of jumping and movement, which is great for tightening and strengthening the core, and for building abs muscles too! There are also lots of squats to shape up legs. It’s an all over body toning, core tightening fun, fast and effective workout. All you need for this workout is a timer. Check out Gymboss and get links to online timers here.
Rocket Abs Core Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 3 Parts Part 1 and 3 – Time Challenge Do 10 reps of the following: Jump Forward, 4 Squats, Push Up, 2 Jumps Back and 4 more Squats Part 2 – 10 min of intervalsSet your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the exercise sequence three times: Plank Macarena Ab Chop with 2 Push Under Crunches Leg Lift, Butt Lift
Rocket Abs Core Workout on Video
My Times and Reps
Part 1 – 3 min 30 sec Part 3 – 3 min 21 sec Part 2Plank Macarena – 8.5, 9, 8 Ab Chop with 2 Push Under Crunches – 5, 6, 5 Leg Lift, Butt Lift – 10, 11, 11
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank (push up) position and lift one hand up and touch it’s opposite side shoulder, return to ground and lift the other hand and touch it’s opposite shoulder. Then lift the opposite side hand and touch hip, return to ground and do the same on the other side, lifting the other hand to touch it’s opposite side hip. Continue these movements touching each shoulder first with the opposite side hand, and then hips. Each 4 touches (both shoulders and both hips) is one rep.
Ab Chop with 2 Push Under Crunches
Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring hands down between legs towards ground and then reverse the movement back to start position. Next crunch torso up and to right side reaching right hand under right leg and as far as you can reach to between feet, then do a push under crunch on left side, reaching the left arm under leg and out as far as you can reach to between feet. This is one rep.
Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and then lift butt off ground using lower abs. Lower legs back down to ground and repeat.