RobinsKey Hypnosis Audio Cds Available Now!

Hypnosis audios are used by many as they are an effective way to achieve your goals and dreams. With hypnosis audios you are put into a daydream-like state, alert but in a state where the external stimuli around you is tuned out so that you are very focused on the subject at hand.
In a hypnotic state your mind is relaxed, your imagination is heightened, your senses are engaged and you are highly suggestible, so that when a suggestion is presented to you, you embrace the idea completely.
Our Conscious and Subconscious Mind
Entering into a hypnotic state can enable you to tune out the worries and doubts that often keep your actions in check. We function in our daily life using our conscious mind to rationalize and make decisions regarding everything we do and everything we say. But our conscious mind works in collaboration with the subconscious, which does the ‘behind the scenes’ thinking.
The conscious mind is more guarded, while the subconscious is freer, more creative, open and accepting of ideas. Everything you do without realizing it, from your breathing to driving a car automatically, is done mostly by using the subconscious mind. A lot of the small stuff in everything you do is done by using the subconscious mind. The subconscious provides the framework for the conscious mind.
The subconscious is the real brain behind your actions. It decides a lot of what you do and does most of your thinking, even though you are not aware of it. When we do things that are not in our best interest, often it is the subconscious mind having an active part of that. The subconscious is powerful and this is where you want positive programs running. Hypnosis provides you with a way to access the subconscious mind directly to empower your background thoughts.
A hypnotic trance is not therapeutic in and of itself, but specific suggestions and images fed to clients in a trance can profoundly alter their behavior. As they rehearse the new ways they want to think and feel, they lay the groundwork for changes in their future actions…” ~ Deirdre Barrett, Harvard psychologist, from a January 2001 article in Psychology Today
Hypnosis can benefit many areas
Hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, has been used successfully to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, compulsive gaming, post-traumatic stress and to alleviate fears and phobias, to quit smoking and for other addictions, for weight loss, pain management, habit control, relaxation, to increase sports performance, to think clearer, to enhance creativity and learning, amongst a multitude of other things.
Hypnosis can be used in many aspects of your life to enable healthy habits and empower you with a fuller richer way of thinking and being.
12 RobinsKey Hypnosis audios now available!
Each hypnosis audio cd has 6 tracks with affirmations on a different, but related subject. Each of the tracks has 6 recordings laid out differently, ideally to be heard subsequently over 6 days. If you can’t listen on each consecutive day, it is ok. Although they are optimized to be listened to daily, they will work simply by listening, whenever you have time to lay back, relax and listen. There are 36 tracks total on each hypnosis cd!
Check them all out together on this page, with links for each to Amazon, iTunes and more.
Health, Healing, Vitality and Longevity Hypnosis audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Healthy Body
Vibrant Vitality
Total Well-Being
Inner Peace
Check it out on Amazon here!
Stress Reduction, Relaxation, Contentment and Sleep Hypnosis audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Deep Sleep
Inner Peace
Calm Mind
Total Well-Being
My Amazing Life
Check it out on Amazon here!
Weight Loss, Diet, Beauty and Anti-aging Hypnosis audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Fast Metabolism and Slim Body
Healthy Weight Loss
Nutritious Eating
Total Well-Being
High Self Esteem
Check it out on Amazon here!
Relationships, Love life, Attraction and Sex Hypnosis audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Great Friends
Loving Family
Fantastic Love Life
My Amazing Life
Open and Receptive
See it on Amazon here!
Memory, Mind, Focus, IQ and Intelligence Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Genius Mind – High IQ
Quick Thinking
Great Memory
Focus and Concentration
Communication and Persuasion
Financial Wealth
Check it out on Amazon here!
Creativity, Inspiration, Motivation for Success Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Creating and Creativity
My Amazing Life
Productive and Energized
Financial Wealth
Motivated to Succeed
Check it out on Amazon here!
Abundance, Wealth, Success and Money Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Beautiful and Happy Home
Travel and Lifestyle
Open and Receptive
Financial Wealth
Total Well-Being
Get it on Amazon here!
Wealth, Success, Charisma and Communication Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Financial Wealth
Fame and Charisma
Communication and Persuasion
Love my Work
High Self Esteem
Productive and Energized
Check it out on Amazon here!
Optimism, Happiness, Self Esteem and Confidence Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Optimistic Attitude
Love my World
High Self Esteem
My Amazing Life
Get it on Amazon here!
Fitness, Exercise and Working out for a Fabulous Body Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Love to Exercise
Body Image Self Confidence
Build Muscle and Sculpt Body
Productive and Energized
Vibrant Vitality
Nutritious Eating
Check it out on Amazon here!
Quit Smoking, Drinking and End Addictions Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Quit Smoking
Quit Drinking
Quit Sugar
Quit Coffee
Inner Peace
Vibrant Vitality
Check it out on Amazon here!
Motivation, Enthusiasm, Winning and Success Hypnosis Audio cd
This cd has 36 tracks. There are 6 different tracks for each of the following topics:
Motivated to Succeed
Productive and Energized
Total Well-Being
Get it on Amazon here!
Hypnosis is an easy way to change your thinking on a subconscious level so that you automatically make the choices you really want to make.
Use hypnosis to live a more abundant, free, happy and healthy life. Empower the greatest tool you have – your own mind!