Rise to Power Pull up Workout est 15 min

I am on a pull up kick this week and this pull up workout is great when you are having an urge to practice your pull ups. It is made up of 5 reps of pull ups interspersed with 20 reps of different bodyweight exercises. I can only do a few pull ups at a time now, and the recovery of doing other exercises gives just enough of a break to be able to do them again. Even so, my pull ups were steadily going downhill throughout the workout, especially after the push ups! ..and I am feeling it today, in a good way, especially in the lats. I love building those, gives a great shape to the body! ; )
Rise to Power Workout
Workout Breakdown
5 Pull ups
20 Superman Push ups
5 Pull ups
20 Jump Lunges
5 Pull ups
20 Sit Ups
5 Pull ups
20 Dynamic Squats
5 Pull ups
20 123 Push ups
5 Pull ups
20 360 Degree Lunges
5 Pull ups
20 Double Crunches
5 Pull ups
20 3 Pulse Jump Squats
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Stand just in front of pull up bar and reach up grip onto bar with palms away from you and use mainly your lats and rhomboid muscles to pull yourself up so that chin is above bar, then lower yourself back down.
Get into push up position and do a push up, then extend one arm straight out in front of you fingers reaching to wall you are facing while at the same time lifting and extending opposite side leg out straight behind. Hold this position for a second or two and then release coming back into start position. Do another push up and this time extend your other arm and it’s opposite side leg, so that arm and leg are both held out in a straight line, hold and release. Continue alternating doing push ups and holding plank on one arm and leg, switching sides for each rep.
Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and back leg straight, and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that legs are in opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep.
Sit on mat with knees bent and feet on the floor and then lay back with shoulders on floor. This is your start position. Keeping legs in the same position throughout all movements, lift up torso using abs and upper body and come up to sitting position and touch ground near feet. Then lower upper body back down to ground and continue these movements sitting and lowering back upper body.
From standing, jump legs out and squat down simultaneously touching ground with fingers while in squat, then jump feet back in and stand up.
Jump one leg up towards the same side hand, then simultaneously jump that leg back and your other leg up by other hand, jump a 3rd time bringing leg that is up back and back leg up and then do a push up with one leg bent and foot on ground near hand. This is one rep. Repeat jumping 3 times in a similar manner and this time ending with the opposite leg up towards hand and do a push up. Continue doing these push ups so that every push up is done with the opposite foot up higher on the ground.
From standing, take a step forward with one leg and do a forward lunge, bending your front knee and going down until thigh is parallel with floor, come back to standing and then take a step with the same leg diagonally, between your front and side, and lunge out at an angle with that leg. Come back to standing and for the 3rd lunge step out to the side do a side lunge, step back in and continue doing a lunge at an angle diagonally backwards, between side and back, step in and then step backwards and do a backwards lunge, bending front leg bringing thigh parallel to ground and then step back in. Now follow the movements with the other leg starting with a backwards lunge, then back diagonal, side, front diagonal and front lunge. Continue doing 5 lunges on each leg and doing lunges in a circle pattern around you for set number of reps or for time.
Laying on ground, bring both knees and chest up to center then release and extend body, with torso and legs both extended but still off ground, arms are held outstretched along sides of body parallel to ground and stay in this position throughout movement. Repeat bringing both knees and upper body in and extending both back out.
Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse and then come up jumping in the air and back with legs and feet in same position to start next rep.
Have a great workout!