Resurrection Workout est 14 min

We’re working on pull ups today. The pull up bar is out!! It’s been awhile since I have done any pull ups and so this one is a tough one for me. But I am on it! Pull ups are great for upper body strength and for developing your lats, the upper-side back muscles that give you a great shape! Also it gives you a sense of power to be able to lift yourself up, and it’s a great survival skill if you ever find yourself dangling off a building or cliff.
This workout is made up of 10 reps of pull up burpees interspersed with ab exercises to work the core and to give you a bit of recovery between the pull ups. It goes by smoothly and quickly. It took me less time than I thought it would. It is not a time challenge but I timed it and it took me 14 minutes and 25 seconds, and that was not rushing through it.
Resurrection Workout
Workout Breakdown
10 Pull Up Burpees
30 Overhead Ball Sit Ups with Medicine ball
10 Pull Up Burpees
30 Russian Twist with Medicine ball
10 Pull Up Burpees
30 3 Point Ab Choppers with Medicine ball
10 Pull up Burpees
See it in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Standing just in front of your pull up bar, bend and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, jump legs back in and then grab handles of pull up bar with wide grasp and do a pull up. This is one rep.
Overhead Ball Sit Ups with Medicine ball
Lying on mat with legs and knees bent, hold a medicine ball in hands overhead and back close to ground, sit up and lift ball reaching it up high towards ceiling and then bring it back down and return to starting position lying back with ball behind head near floor. This is one rep.
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides. Each touch down with medicine ball is one rep.
3 Point Ab Choppers with Medicine ball
Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head and hands holding onto medicine ball, sit up and bring ball high overhead and down to the right side to ground, keeping arms outstretched throughout movement. Then reverse movement bringing torso back to ground and ball back overhead. This is one rep. On the next rep bring ball down between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring down ball to the left side, continue alternating bringing ball down to these 3 points.
Have a great workout!