Red Pill Sandbag Workout 18 min

This 18 minute full body workout is made up of 6 sandbag exercises, a combo of a few new ones with a few classics. The matrix exercise engages your core ab muscles and is a new fun exercise. The sandbag leg raise exercise also works your core. Holding the sandbag up as you lift and lower your legs activates the ab muscles also and makes you automatically tighten and strengthen them throughout the movements.
I found the plyo push ups the most challenging and I had to switch part way in to walking over the sandbag to do push ups, but it is great to challenge ourselves. If you have a hard time with this one, just walk over also as I did. Always modify to make the workout work for you.
Red Pill Sandbag Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 24 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following sequence 4 times.
Clean and Press with Sandbag
Plyo Push ups on Sandbag
Sandbag Matrix
Clean and Squat with Sandbag
Sandbag Leg Raise
Sandbag Swings
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing straight with sandbag on floor just in front of you, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and press up to ceiling. Bring it down to ground returning it to start position.
Put one hand on sandbag and do a push up, then switch hands moving body to other side of sandbag and with the other hand on the sandbag do another push up. Keep switching for each push up. Each push up equals one rep. Do as many regular as possible and modify when needed by doing push up from knees.
Start in a kneeling position with knees hip width apart and holding sandbag at your navel area. Lean back as far as possible keeping knees on the floor and then engage your core ab muscles to help pull yourself back up to start position. Do the movements slow and steady. This is one rep. Continue doing these movements.
Standing straight with sandbag on floor just in front of you, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and then hold it close to body and do a deep squat, then uncurl sandbag and bring it down to ground returning it to start position. This is one rep.
Lay on the floor and lift sandbag up above you keeping arms straight at 90 degrees, and with legs straight flat on ground. Holding sandbag above throughout all movements and lift legs up together towards sandbag and then lower them back down to the ground. This is one rep. Continue lifting and lowering legs together while holding sandbag up. You will feel the contraction in the abs as you lift and lower legs so tighten abs during these movements.
Standing with legs shoulder width apart, hold onto middle handle of sandbag with both hands. Hold it low, at or just between legs, and swing up so that arms are parallel to ground at shoulder height. Squeeze glutes and push with hips as you swing the bag forward and up, let your hips do most of the work. Then let the bag come back down to just between legs and repeat. Each swing up is one rep.
Have a great workout!