Raw Tomato Soup Recipe

Soup’s on! This tomato soup recipe is all raw and so still contains all of the enzymes and nutrition found naturally in the fresh off the vine tomatoes, basil and avocados. Avocado and almond milk give the soup a rich creaminess and the fresh herbs give it a wonderful flavor. The soup is naturally not hot but can be heated up to 115 degrees, so it’s warming on a cool evening.
When you heat up raw foods think of how how it needs to be to burn you. Do the finger test, if it burns your finger it is going to be changing the molecular structure of the plants cells and burning it too and so most enzymes and many nutrients are usually lost also. But you can get quite hot before that happens. Think of a hot jacuzzi, you can get that hot. If you can handle that temperature and it doesn’t hurt you it’s a very good chance that it is not harming the plant either.
The way I will most often heat up raw soups is by putting a bowl over a small pot of gently boiling water for a minute or two. Stir occasionally. It doesn’t take long and it is comforting, especially in the winter or on a cold evening, to have nice hot bowl of soup!
Raw Tomato Soup Recipe
3-4 Tomatoes
½ cup Almond Milk
2 Tbsp Olive oil
1 Tbsp fresh Basil – chopped
1 Tbsp Onion – chopped
1 Tbsp Agave
1 Garlic clove – chopped
1 tsp Salt
½ tsp Pepper or Cayenne – optional
1 Avocado
Blend all ingredients, except avocado, together in a blender. After well blended add the avocado and process until smooth. Best eaten same day but will keep for 2 days refrigerated.
How to make raw Tomato Soup on Video
Photo Description
Assemble ingredients
Put all ingredients in the blender and blend.
Pour into bowls and serve.