Raw Sweat Workout est 18 min

For this workout I went back into the vaults. I first did this one last April and decided to do it again. This bodyweight workout has 3 parts; 2 are each 6 minutes of interval training and each has different exercises and then there is a time challenge in between them, which took me 6 minutes and 12 seconds. So all together the workout is just over 18 minutes. I thought it has a nice combo of great exercises. Try it out and get your raw sweat on!
One of the intervals has High Knees Skipping, if you do not have a rope, or can’t skip, you can do High Knees (like running on the spot lifting knees high) instead. I did it the first time on my rebounded which I found the easiest and most fun way. Rebounders also get the lymphatic system flowing and has many health benefits! But this time I chose skipping. Skipping is great cardio . it gets your heart rate up quickly and it is great to build strong and shapely legs!
Raw Sweat Workout
Workout Breakdown
Part 1 – Intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work.
Alternate doing these 2 exercises during each work period:
Reptile Push Ups
High Knees
Part 2 – Time challenge
Do 5 rounds as fast as possible:
30 Side Lunge Jumps
5 Dynamic Burpees
Part 3 – Intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work.
Alternate doing these 4 exercises during each work period: :
Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover (touch ground in front with foot) – left
Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover (touch ground in front with foot) – right
Leg Lift, Butt Lift
Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1:
Reptile Push Ups – 9, 7, 7, 7
High Knees – 74, 74, 76, 72
Part 2 took me 6:12
Part 3:
Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover – left – 10, 10
Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover – right- 10, 10
Leg Lift, Butt Lift – 10, 11
Exercise Descriptions
Start in plank position and as you start to lower to do push up one leg is brought out and up to side, knee bent and held out off the ground while push up is done, as you come up bring leg back to start position and continue alternating legs for each rep.
High knee skipping is like jogging in place skipping but you bring each knee up as high as you can as each leg comes up.
From standing position place left leg out to side keeping it straight and bend right knee going down into a side lunge, touch ground with left fingers. From this position jump and switch doing a side lunge on the other side, so that right leg is straight and knee of left leg is bent and touch ground with fingers of right hand. Continue jumping and each time doing a side lunge on the opposite side. Each lunge and touch down is one rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, then jump legs out wide as you do push up and jump them back in as you come up from push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover
Get into side plank position, bend elbow of top arm and place hand behind head, lift top leg up as much as possible while holding side plank position with body, and bring leg back down and forward touching the ground in front of your supporting leg with foot and then lift your top leg back up high and bring back down to starting side plank position.
Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and then lift butt off ground using lower abs. Lower legs back down to ground and repeat.
From push up position, come down onto forearms and hold body up in a straight line only supported by your feet and forearms. Pull in tummy to best work abs. Hold this position for required time