Raw Party at Fatma’s Dec 2012

I probably should call this a pot luck party as it kind of was and most people brought food, but I was told just to come and as I was running all over town and then just brought there, I just went with it and showed up. It’s the first time not taking a dish to Fatma’s for a party, but I knew she would over prepare as she always does! Fatma makes wonderful food and I want to share some of the dishes she made. I took pics when I first got there mainly of her creations, but there was more food that came after also..and desserts like Live’s lemon cheesecake Mmm! and a coconut mint chia pudding (also made by Fatma). I LOVE raw pot lucks!
I was really impressed that Anson made a Veggie Christmas Tree, complete with daikon radish garlands. Awesome!
I think the rest of the dishes I took pics of were all made by Fatma (& my apologies if I got that wrong) but I know Fatma always goes overboard.. and then insists on sending everyone home with lots of food afterwards ..and these all look like hers. Isn’t it awesome to be invited to Fatma’s party? Those of us who were there are indeed very fortunate! The party was an interesting cross section of people from the Toronto raw food community. I miss all of the amazing pot lucks here in the city, and so really appreciated coming to this one!
..and Fatma’s food is delicious! I loved both the dish above and below. These were a couple of my favorites. ..and I remember how she said she made the one below: the middle salad part was made of shredded celery root in a dressing of macadamia nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, garlic and spices.
She made up a pate to go with her green heart crackers. All delicious!
This is her quinoa salad.. with sprouted quinoa, not cooked, of course!
Creamy broccoli salad with sun dried olives. Some of Fatma’s recipes are thought up depending on what she has or can get locally and some come from her extensive raw food books library. Fatma has one of the best raw libraries I have seen with some very unique and out of print or hard to get books.
So thank you Fatma for being such an inspiration ..and such a wonderful person, all around amazing. ..and for hosting awesome parties! ; )