Raise your Vibration and Live Your Most High Vibe Life

You can intentionally raise your vibration to achieve vibrant health and to live a more energetic, full and longer life. There are so many benefits to living a high vibe feel-great life. Read on for why you should raise your vibration and check out the tips to see if there are any ways you can raise your vibration even higher!
High Vibration Benefits
Healing and happy emotions: Keeping yourself in a high vibe state creates a healthy positive energy that promotes healing and makes you more beautiful on every level. This vital healing energy supports you physically, mentally and emotionally and makes you stronger as well as happier. When the systems in our body and our organs are healthy they have a high vibration. Scientists now tell us that when we are ill our vibrations are much lower.
Inuition and guidance makes life easy: Creating high vibrations in your body makes living life more fun and easy. You are more closely connected to source energy, which makes you more intuitive and your guiding system stronger. You have more energy and experience more peace, joy and happiness as you are tuned in, making the best choices for yourself. With it also comes an inherent wisdom and inner strength.
Willpower, magnetism and attracttion: Having a higher vibration makes you more magnetic. People are naturally drawn to you and want to be around you. You can attract abundance and things you want in life more easily to you. Having higher vibrations gives you a stronger willpower and more control over your thoughts and actions.
Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.” ~ Abraham Hicks
Low Vibrations
Lower vibrations have a low energy pattern that creates stress and unhappiness. These lower vibrations can weaken you and negatively affect your health making you age more quickly. It makes attracting positive people and situations into your life harder. Having lower vibrations feels heavy in your heart and head. When your energy gets too low you can feel a lack of energy and too weak and powerless to fight back.
What causes us to have Low Vibrations?
Low vibrations are caused by: eating packaged and highly processed foods, eating low nutrition foods and those containing toxins, drinking polluted water, watching most TV, especially horror movies, the news and media, negative thoughts, criticism, pessimism, cynicism, being tired, overworked, stressed, lack of movement, anger, fear, yelling, sadness, despair, grief, regret.
Ways to Raise your Vibration
Positive Affirmations and cultivating positive thoughts.
Eat raw living plant foods to naturally infuse your body with light energy. Plants are naturally in a high vibrational state and you can raise your vibration easily by eating them.
Drink spring water and pure clean sources of water.
Sunlight. Spend time in the sun will increase your vibration. Try to spend at least 20 minutes every day in the sunlight. Drink solar water. Practise sun gazing (a future post!).
Spend time in nature. It has been proven that within minutes of being in nature our stress levels are drastically reduced. Even the sounds of nature will raise our vibration. Walk barefoot on the earth. Breathe clean fresh air.
Get enough sleep!
Detox your body.
Think Love. Infuse all your thoughts and actions with love. Send out love, love, love to everything and everyone. Be love
Meditation and Deep intentional breathing. Be mindful and conscious of your breathing and your thoughts.
Prayer or other communicating with source energy. Get connected to that higher power.
Positive thinking. Become an optimist. Clear underlying negative beliefs and thoughts with affirmations, subliminal audios or hypnosis.
Cultivate gratitude. Think f things that you are grateful for every day and express your appreciation regularly.
Practise Chi Gong, Yoga, Tai Chi or another mindful vibrational-raising practise.
Wear essential oils and crystals.
Hug lots. Surround yourself with positive people. Cultivate harmonious relationships in your life.
Accept the things you cannot change and accept the changes in your life. Appreciate whatever circumstances you are in and wherever you are in the present moment as if you had chosen it yourself (you have) and hold a clear positive vision with joyous anticipation for the future.
Forgive everyone. Appreciate that everyone is doing their best from their point of consciousness.
Do what you love. Spend time doing the things you really love to do, make time for them.
Follow your heart. Listen to your gut instincts.
Stretch and move your body. It allows your energy to flow more smoothly.
Say Yes and be optimistic. Expect the best in every situation. Help others whenever possible.
Fill your life with color. Wear bright colors and add spirit-lifting playful color into your surroundings.
Listen to music you love and inspirational audios.
Create, play, have fun, laugh.
Share and inspire!
Can you think of other ways to raise your vibration?
I’d love to hear your strategies too!