Power Play Interval Workout 15 min

This 15 minute interval workout has 6 exercises, most are done with a sandbag and half of them, every second exercise, is a squat based exercise. There are some great variations to change it up and they are intermixed with ab and core strengthening and tightening exercises, so again we are hitting legs, butt and abs. High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are known and proven to burn fat, improve endurance and build strength simultaneously.
When doing interval workouts, to get the most out of them, make sure to have an interval timer and a journal to write the workout and your reps and times in, so you can keep track of and see your progress. It can be very motivating and encouraging. The sandbag can be substituted for another weight, but if you were to only invest in one piece of equipment, after the interval timer, this would be the one. It is a favorite item in my home gym.
For more info on interval timers, the Gymboss, and links for an online timer, or to download one, click here.
To see and order equipment, check out my Resource page.
Power Play Interval Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following 6 exercises three times:
Good Morning Sandbag Squats
Barrier Jumps
Sandbag Squats with Side Leg Raise
90 Degree Sandbag Crunches
Clean and Press 3 Pulse Squats
Sandbag Sit Ups
Workout on Video
My Reps
Good Morning Sandbag Squats – 9, 10, 10
Barrier Jumps – 49, 50, 48
Sandbag Squats with Side Leg Raise – 15, 14, 14
90 Degree Sandbag Crunches – 22, 23, 22
Clean and Press 3 Pulse Squats – 6, 6, 6
Sandbag Sit Ups – 12, 12, 13
Exercise Descriptions
Stand with legs hop width apart and reach over to pick up sandbag from ground in front of you. Lift up and flip over onto the backs of hands and hold sandbag close to chest. Then bend over at waist 90 degrees, keeping legs straight and back straight, so that back is parallel with floor and come back up to standing, then squat down continuing to hold sandbag close to chest and come up. This is one rep.
Get into pike position, with hands and feet on the floor and hips up, back straight, and start with legs to one side, kick up legs and jump over center object (or imaginary center object) to other side and back. Each time feet hit the ground is 1 rep.
Sandbag Squats with Side Leg Raise
From standing with feet shoulder width apart, holding sandbag in front of you close to chest, squat down and then come up and raise one leg out to the side, keeping it straight, then bring leg back down to ground. Do another squat followed with the opposite leg lift to the other side. Continue alternating the side that does the leg lift for each rep.
Lying on mat lift legs up at a 90 degree angle and bend knees so they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair). Place sandbag on top of shins and while holding up sandbag crunch body up with arms at side of body hands reaching out to touch the sides of the sandbag. Each sandbag touch is one rep. Try to keep legs in 90 degree angles, as much as possible.
Clean and Press 3 Pulse Squats
Stand with legs hip width apart and reach over to pick up sandbag from ground in front of you. Lift up and flip over onto the backs of hands and hold sandbag close to chest. Then squat down continuing to hold sandbag close to chest and pulse 3 times up and down and then come up and press sandbag up to ceiling and then bring it back down to ground returning it to start position. This is one rep..
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep.