Positive Affirmations to Empower Yourself and Enhance your Life

Affirmations are powerful positive words and statements that repeated over time, can change your perceptions and empower you to make more positive choices and decisions in your life. Our words are powerful and affect our daily life more than most of us realize.
The words that we say, and words that we hear, will make us either strong or weak. These words create our programming and affect our inner thoughts. They affect what we accept and what we dismiss. They affect our deepest beliefs in life. Surrounding yourself with positive words will make you stronger and change your perceptions of yourself and the world around you. Positive messages, or affirmations, will enhance your life and enable you to subconsciously make the wisest, most healthful, prosperous and positive choices.
Our Internal Programming
We are programmed from the day we are born, and maybe even before. We are programmed by what our parents say to us, what our teachers, friends, relatives and even acquaintances say to us. An idea that is presented over and over to us will gradually become part of our deep belief system and internal subconscious programming, whether it is true or not. The more we are exposed to positive thoughts and ideas, the more our basic underlying programming will be empowering and will assist us subconsciously to make the most empowering, healthful and beneficial choices.
Reprogram with Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations can help to reprogram thought patterns. If you listen to negative messages, over time these can lead to not only you making poor life choices but can support illness and negative situations in your life. Likewise, positive messages bring health, healing, abundance and prosperity.
Our internal programming creates the thoughts that run over and over continually in our minds telling us who we are and what we deserve. Our beliefs are a part of this and the negative programming and beliefs that we have block the pure, positive, creative and abundant source energy that naturally flows through us. Affirmations help to clear these negative programs and blocks within us, allowing us to both consciously and subconsciously make empowering, healthful and life enhancing decisions.
The Downside of Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations will only work if you believe them. If you are saying something positive but your mind is telling you that that affirmation is not true, the affirmation will not work for you, at least right away. This is where the benefits of subliminal positive affirmations comes in. But more on that in an upcoming post!
The only catch with positive affirmations for them to work is that you already have to open to the possibility of them being true. If you are negating the words in your mind, it will take a lot of listening of the positive thoughts for them to convince your mind that they are true.
The Good News
..is that continually repeating affirmations with passion and conviction will chip away at even the strongest block over time. Once your block is cracked, the subconscious then is able to re-examine the core belief pattern. It is exciting, and sometimes even shocking and startling when this happens, and then new inner truths can be planted and allowed to grow.
Our Beliefs
Our beliefs become our reality. Our beliefs are simply thoughts that are thought over and over again. Once we hear and accept a thought, it becomes a belief. Your beliefs are not necessarily true, they are simply what you think (believe) to be true. It is always beneficial to keep your mind open. Beliefs are tricky, in that we always find evidence to support our beliefs. Once we accept an idea as true, our mind automatically sets out looking for evidence to support it. This evidence, which always leans in favor of the belief, helps to cement the belief into your subconscious. Positive words, thoughts, ideas, messages will help create more positive, healthy and empowering beliefs.
Keep it Positive!
Especially be careful of negative suggestions, ideas and messages said even in joking. While our logical conscious brain loves the game play of jokes and words, the very simple and impressionable subconscious brain, which is the real governor of our automatic habitual decisions and actions, does not get jokes, puns, sarcasm or negative messages. It takes what it hears at face value. Plain and simple. If you say something is too bad or that life is tough – It will be too bad and life will be tough.
Use Positive Affirmations and Positive Thinking Techniques to Live the Life of your Dreams!
Using positive affirmations, visualization and subliminal messages it is possible to achieve whatever you want. You can transform your life, heal yourself, create abundance and success in your life, travel the world and live your dreams. You can wake up energized and excited, bursting with energy and enthusiasm every day! Developing a positive mindset using positive thinking techniques is one of the most powerful life changing strategies there is. Creating great health and success in life starts in your mind. All of the most successful people are aware of, and use, these powerful techniques. Change your reality by changing your thoughts.
How to create your own Positive Affirmations
Your affirmation should be clearly and concisely stated.
Use the most simple language you can to convey the message.
The affirmation should be positive and in the present tense. For whatever it is that you desire to happen in the future, state it as if it is happening right now.
Make your affirmation in the first person: “I am”, “I will”, “I have” …
Focus on what you do want, and not on what you don’t want.
Use positive language to state the desired outcome. Avoid negatives. Do not use words such as don’t, can’t, won’t or not, as the brain does not pick up on them.
Only involve yourself in your affirmations. Do not seek to change others.
Positive Affirmation examples
I have healthy lifestyle habits and take great care of my body.
I am healthier every day, in every way.
My body is in perfect health.
I always feel energetic and strong.
I live a healthy, happy and active life.
Affirmations can be about anything you desire to bring into your life, such as financial wealth and abundance, inner peace, deep sleep, close and happy relationships, finding true love, losing weight, quitting smoking or creating a beautifully sculpted muscular body.
Whatever your desires are, you can bring them closer to you through a positive focused mindset, and this you can create through affirmations.
How to Use Positive Affirmations in your Life
Every time you read or listen to positive affirmations they become more strongly embedded in your subconscious, so the more you remember to use them in your day, the better.
Repeat your affirmations throughout the day. Aim for at least twice a day to repeat your affirmations. Pick 2 times that work for you, such as early in the morning and before going to sleep, to repeat your affirmations.
You can read a written list of affirmations, listen to an MP3 of recorded affirmations or recite them over in your mind throughout the day from memory.
Visualize the affirmation in your mind as if it is true and real right now. Feel it with all of your senses. Get excited, enthused and emotional with them. Get into the feeling place and feel like you already have what it is you are affirming.
Note: Mp3’s of recorded affirmations coming soon!