Posh Workout 8 min
posted by Robin on Blog, Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This workout is a designed with clean lines and elegant styling. ; ) It is made up of 2 parts, both are 4 minutes of interval training and both have 2 exercises which you alternate doing for each round. I used my sandbag for one of the exercises in each round, if you don’t have a sandbag you can use a dumbbell, kettle bell, medicine ball or another weighted object instead.
Posh Workout
Workout Breakdown
Part 1
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and alternate going through the following 2 exercises:
Sandbag Swings
Dive Bombers
Part 2
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 0 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and alternate going through these 2 exercises:
Around the World Squats
Suitcase Crunches
This is How it Goes
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with legs shoulder width apart, hold onto middle handle of sandbag with both hands. Hold it low, at or just between legs, and swing up so that arms are parallel to ground at shoulder height. Squeeze glutes and push with hips as you swing the bag forward and up, let your hips do most of the work. Then let the bag come back down to just between legs and repeat. Each swing up is one rep.
Start in pike position with wide legs, head low, bend elbows and swoop head close to but not touching floor, as head goes through arms it starts coming up at the end to a cobra position but keeping torso off the ground, hold and then swoop back in the same manner back to starting position.
Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise.
Lie flat on ground with legs lifted off of floor and arms behind head holding onto a medicine ball, bring knees in to chest while raising torso and bringing ball over knees towards feet and then return baclk to start position with medicine ball close to floor behind head.
Have a great workout! : )
Tags: sandbag, under 10 min, workouts