Plain G.I. Jane Workout est 12 min

Effective, simple. quick. Sweat it out and get it done. This workout is made up of 5 exercises. Simple enough to get the moves memorized so you can flow from one to the next and with exercises different enough to give you a great little full-body workout in under 15 minutes. Hit the floor and get into action. In no time you’ll be done and your body will thank you for it after.
My timer on my laptop shut down part way through the workout so I don’t know how long it took me. But I did it last May 30 and it took me 11:18 then.
On a side note, my laptop has been shutting down on me repeatedly and I finally broke down and ordered a new one. so excited!! ..but that’s totally beside the point of this workout post! ; )
Plain G.I. Jane Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 4 rounds of this sequence of 5 exercises:
10 Push ups
40 Mountain Climbers
10 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
30 Sit ups
See it in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.
Start at standing position and jump out legs wide while simultaneously bringing arms kept straight in a circle motion at side of body all the way up so hands meet overhead, then simultaneously jump feet back in close together and bring arms back down reversing the motion. This is one rep, continue jumping out and in while bringing hands up overhead and back.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and squat down so that thighs are parallel with ground and then come back up to standing. Throughout the movement keep weight on the heel of the foot. Make sure that your knee never goes beyond toe. Most of your weight will be in back, so lean forward or reach out arms to counter the weight.
Sit on mat with knees bent and feet on the floor and then lay back with shoulders on floor. This is your star position. Keeping legs on same position throughout all movements, lift up torso using abs and upper body and come up to sitting position. Then, without touching the ground with hands lower upper body back down to ground and continue these movements sitting and lowering back upper body. For competition sit ups touch floor for each rep by feet when up at seated position.
Have a great workout!!