Pics from the Lotus Heart Center #2

We are into an awesome groove in the kitchen right now and havng lot of fun. I think it’s coming out in the food. It’s going over great. Last night was Mexican night and one woman told me ‘this fajita may be the best one she’s ever had in her life.” That made my night and a man from Mexico loved them too. yay!!
The people we are serving come from all over the world, and only a few are vegetarian. The food we are serving is a combo of raw and cooked, but plant based. The Lotus Heart Center is always 100% vegetarian.
I’ll show you some of the dishes we have been serving in the last couple days. First I’d like you to meet who I am working with in the kitchen.
Holly is my main partner in the kitchen. She is a good friend of Andre’s (who owns and runs Lotus Heart Center) and has worked at lots of retreats here. So she knows what’s going on and the details, like when to start setting the table and she also she may not realize it but she is awesome in the kitchen, as well as very fun to work with! She makes everything run smoother and easier, is a phenomenal person and I am so thankful she’s here!! Plus, she’s coming back for the second retreat. There are 2 back to back retreats happening.
Brittany comes occasionaly to help us out as well. Brittany is an incredibly awesome beautiful girl just finishing high school and working to save for a summer Switzerland trip and then a trip in September to Thailand to work with rescue elephants. That sounds so fascinating!
Andre’s beet and pecan salad (recipe coming in a few weeks, when get home and have time to post it). We were thinking of a salad using beets and arugula and he mentioned this combo with carrots, lime, mint and pecans.. so I put it al together and it now has measurments to follow. Brilliant. Great combo!
Oh, this was another hit – a Butternut Squash Mushroom Soup. I will post the recipe to this eventually too! Everyone loved it.
We made some classics like this raw vegan Caesar Salad with Pine Nut Parmesan.
Brownies. This is in the pan before they were iced, but they had a creamy chocolate icing too when finished. I love these and find it amazing the just walnuts, dates and cacao are needed to make brownies!
Apple Crisp being made..
This eggplant potato green curry was delicious. It had lots of baby bok choy in it and kaffir lime leaves. I will probably get this recipe up sometime as well!
Almost every day we have salads made that go on each table. I loved the creamy basil garlic dressing that went with these ones.
The tables are being set.
Thai Basil Green Salad.
Strawberry Cheesecake! Classic. Easy to make, delicious and always a hit.
The fajita table with 2 salsas, 2 guacamoles, refried beans, golden rice, grilled veggies, hot sauce and a chipotle cream sauce.
I will keep posting photos and collecting new recipes to share with you after the retreat is over. It’s lots of fun to create and prepare food for the wonderful group of people that are here, and my new kitchen staff friends are really awesome!
Peace and blessings.