Paper Scissors Rock Ugi Ab Workout 14 min

This 14 minute Ugi workout is an interval training workout made up mostly of ab focused exercises. Using the Ugi ball to balance on when doing ab and other exercises really helps to work the stabilizing secondary muscles. These are the muscles that surround and assist the major muscles and give great support to the body. Working these makes you lean and tight and helps you build a deeper strength so that you are less likely to have injuries. Think about it, if all the little muscles that support the bigger muscles are strong too, it just makes sense that your body will be stronger, and leaner.
Although I love doing these exercises with an Ugi ball, if you do not have one you can easily modify the exercises so you can still do the workout. make the workout work for you. For the Ugi plank, you can either just do a plank without using anything or you can balance your feet on a Swiss or other ball instead. For the Ugi Woodchop Squats you can use any weighted object and for the Toss and Catch Ugi, use a different ball to substitute, or change to another ab crunch exercise instead.
Paper Scissors Rock Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 21 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 7 exercises three times:
Ugi Plank
Ugi Plank Toe Tap
Horizontal Scissors
Ugi Woodchop Squats
Scissors with Leg hold
Toss and Catch Ugi
Workout on Video
My Reps
Ugi Plank
Scissors – 37, 34, 35
Ugi Plank Toe Tap – 13, 11, 12
Horizontal Scissors – 23, 22, 20
Ugi Woodchop Squats – 12, 11, 12
Scissors with Leg hold – 22, 23, 21
Toss and Catch Ugi – 19, 18, 18
Exercise Descriptions
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi and forearms on the ground, hold body up in a straight line in plank position without moving for set amount of time. Hold in abdominal muscles for best effect.
Sitting on mat, lean back with torso at angle and hands at side beside hips, just gently supporting yourself with fingertips, lift legs up from mat, still low and parallel to mat, then raise one leg and lower while raising other leg, continue raising and lowering opposite legs simultaneously. To modify bring forearms down to ground so provide more support from arms.
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, take one foot off Ugi and touch floor beside it with foot, then put foot back up an Ugi and take the other foot off and touch floor beside Ugi on the other side and bring back up so both feet are again on Ugi. Repeat these movements alternating sides of touching the floor with foot while holding plank position. You will need to use your core stabilizing muscles to keep balance while doing this exercise.
Sitting on mat, lean back with torso at angle and hands at side beside hips, just gently supporting yourself with fingertips, lift legs up from mat, still low and parallel to mat, cross legs over each other bringing right over left and then left over right and alternating as fast as you can. To modify bring forearms down to ground so provide more support from arms.
Do a woodchop bringing Ugi high overhead to one side and when you bring it down squat down and twist bringing it low, close to ground between feet, alternate sides.
Sitting on mat, lean back with torso at angle and hands at side beside hips, just gently supporting yourself with fingertips, lift legs up from mat, still low and parallel to mat, then raise one leg and pulse or hold a second and lower while raising other leg and pulse and hold it for a second and continue raising and lowering opposite legs simultaneously and pausing to pulse hold after each switch. To modify bring forearms down to ground so provide more support from arms.
In seated position with legs outstretched but relaxed, knees slightly bend, lean back a bit and throw up Ugi and catch it while balancing and holding core tight.