Nori is one of the most nutritious foods around so I am always happy when I think of a new way to make it interesting and add to my diet. In this recipe veggies are mixed with an avocado and mayonnaise mix – of course, you know I’m using my hemp oil mayo! So it is super nutritious and loaded with healthy EFA’s. Getting healthy fats into your diet is great. They are not only beneficial to your health but they help clean out the bat fats from your cells and can actually help you lose weight. These veggie nori rolls are delicious and for health, it’s hard to beat a veggie/sea veggie combo like this! || Read more

This sandbag workout is a combination of skipping and exercises using a sandbag. I added a little extra weight to my sandbag and had it at 25 pounds for this one. I expected to get in 3 rounds, but was done by 2, probably due to the extra resistance. The skipping gives a nice little break to the sandbag exercises after each round. The sandbag T pull push ups and the good morning sandbag squats were new exercises for me and I really liked them. Actually, I really liked the whole combination of these exercises.

I love beets! And I love this salad. It is one of my favorite ways to eat beets. This salad is sweet and savory (and for me often a little spicy, with extra cayenne!) It’s a great way to eat beets raw to get their full nutritional power. Apples give this salad its sweetness and celery gives it a crunch. To me it is a simple and wonderful combination. I always make a lot when I make this and it’s one of the easiest salads to make! It is definitely one of my favorites and I hope you enjoy it as well. || Read more

It’s back to burpees with this burpee business workout. I was feeling a need to get lots of burpees out and so picked out 8 different ones, most being some of my favorite burpees. The one leg burpees are the toughest one for me and so put it first to get it out of the way. I want to practice doing lots of these so I get good at them and love them too. I put in one round of burpees without push ups but it is actually harder to do them without when you get used to always putting a push up in, and it’s kind of sad that they don’t get one. They seem a little deprived. Ok, give them push ups if you want to. ; ) || Read more

The Hippie hemp cookies are loaded with hemp seeds, walnuts, raisins, feel great maca and muscle building protein powder. It’s an awesome nutritional, feel good, delicious combo great for sustainable energy. I decided to experiment and try not only my plan for the Hippie Hemp Cookies but also for a chocolate variation. I thought I would prefer one to another but am happy that I just can’t decide. Except that I ate too many trying. But they have all healthy ingredients so it’s all good. || Read more