Grab your board and follow me.. great waves here! Click play first for surf tunes and let’s go!! || Read more

Squash always reminds me of Thanksgiving and fall – harvest time. It’s real comfort food for me! ..and I am happy to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with just this and a big leaf salad and whatever other vegetables happen to be around. Also, I have turned a couple people on to actually liking squash, who previously didn’t, with this recipe and so I think it’s a winner! || Read more

This 15 minute interval training Power Clean Sandbag Workout makes 15 minutes go by really fast with a good variety of sandbag exercises to keep your mind engaged. It’s a full body workout using lots of different muscles and these types of workouts are great to build functional strength, which we frequently use during our regular daily activities. This workout has some of my favorite sandbag exercises, like sandbag sit ups and clean and press and a few new ones that I am doing for the first time. || Read more

Our adventure today takes us to the Zion Canyon, located in Zion National Park, Utah. It is 24 kilometers long and 800 meters deep in some places. The Virginia River ran through and created this red and bronze uniquely colored tunnel. Let’s explore it! || Read more

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and that always makes me think of cranberries and so I am posting one of my favorite salads with cranberries! It’s sweet and salty, slightly nutty and delicious any time of the year. It’s also very easy to make and I’ll guide you though as usual with pictures below. || Read more

This workout is mainly upper body focused with lots of push ups and pull ups. It’s also a great workout to work on your coordination and balance as most of the exercises are done on one leg. This also works your core stabilizing muscles and makes it more fun, and more challenging. This workout is deceptive as it’s 5 reps of each exercise and the push ups are all done as a part of walk outs and burpees, but by the end of it you will have completed 100 push ups! || Read more

Our adventure today takes us to this fantastic cave house, Domus Civita in the medieval town of Civita di Bagnoregio in Italy. We can only get to this wondrous home by footbridge. The house was built in the XIV century and is located on the top of the Etruscan tombs and caves, and beautiful gardens lead to a heated pool. || Read more