Get ready for lots of squatting action. This workout has 3 different types of squats and contains 200 total. The squats are mixed with a few other dynamic fun exercises, skipping, Swiss ball Knee tucks and a couple favorite ab exercises to keep it interesting and exciting. I think a good flow of exercises is important to keep your mind entertained and off the work and it makes time go by fast so that before you know it the workout is done. || Read more

Balsamic vinaigrette is a delicious easy to make recipe filled with healthy nutritious ingredients that you can feel good about using when you add it to your salads. his recipe is even my light version in which I add water to extend it. You will not even realize once it is emulsified with the Dijon. It is still creamy and rich flavored with garlic, seasonings and just a touch of maple syrup. || Read more

This 16 minute interval training workout is a collection of some of my favorite leg and ab exercises. I was really feeling my arms from the Burpees Gone Wild Workout yesterday and decided to give my upper body a break and focus on lower body and abs. I really enjoyed the flow in the sequence of the exercises in this workout. || Read more

This three-story glass Arabic home was originally designed by architect Leona & Harry Helmsley as his residence in Miami, USA and is built on the roof of an apartment complex – the Palace Condominium. The mansion was later bought by the Saudi Sheikh Saoud Al-Shaalan, who turned it into a real Arabic palace with architectural elements similar to the Indian Taj Mahal. || Read more

Mango is one of my favorite fruits and so it makes sense that I would need to have a really good mango salad recipe. I do & I am happy to share it with you! This lively colourful salad is sweet and slightly spicy and sour. The flavors are balanced and combine into an overall delicious taste that wakens up the tastebuds as well as the eyes. It makes a great side dish or wonderful to eat just on it’s own! || Read more

This is the 4th 100 rep burpee workout I’ve posted to date ..and there are a couple workouts with over 100 burpees, but I found this one is the hardest of all so far! There are some fun and new burpees in this one which are always great to change things up and make the workout exciting. New things to think about also entertain the mind and so you are concentrating on positions and form and the reps go by quickly.. for the most part. || Read more