This time challenge Ugi workout is really core and abs focused. It has 5 rounds and each round has 40 reps of a different Ugi crunch exercise, as well as a newly designed way to get more burpees in. This innovative burpee strategy worked for me to give them a bit of a new twist. The accompanying squats provide a little extra leg and butt work and it never hurts to do a little extra work on those! Well, it may hurt a bit the next day, but you’ll look fabulous for it and feel great when you look in the mirror. Really we know that being fit is most important for our health and the benefits of these short workouts are worth it to feel great on the inside.. but it’s a serious bonus to look great outside too! || Read more

These raw sweet toppings are abundantly nutritious and filled with living enzymes. Enzymes are the catalyst of every metabolic process and our bodies use them for every single action we make. From our conscious actions right down to our hearts beating, we are using enzymes and so we want lots, especially as many of us deplete our bodies limited store of them far too soon. || Read more

Our brains are one of the most fascinating organs in our body! We can improve the health of our brains regardless of our age with healthy eating, exercise and our lifestyle choices. Our brain has an amazing quality to it – its neuroplasticicy, which allows the nerve cells in the brain to change their connections. The brain neurons will change and find new connections to adapt and function after an injury or disease. There are several ways to strengthen and keep your brain healthy. Here is a list for the top 10 keys to a superhero brain! || Read more

This recipe combines 2 great concepts! It has a pumpkin pie filling flavor and the superfood nutritional qualities of chia pudding. It doesn’t take much of this to make you feel full either, because of the fill you up quickly quality of chia seeds. Chia expands 9 times it’s size which makes it a dieters dream, especially as it can keep you feeling full for hours. Most importantly, this recipe is delicious. If you love pumpkin pie, and are health or weight conscious, you have to try this! || Read more

Get your sandbag and dip stations out and ready for this 3 part workout. In this one the 1st and 3rd parts are the same and are 8 minutes of intervals. the 2nd part is a time challenge which took me 5 minutes and 6 seconds to complete. This is a full body workout with lots of core work. || Read more