For this workout I went back into the vaults. I first did this one last April and decided to do it again. This bodyweight workout has 3 parts; 2 are each 6 minutes of interval training and each has different exercises and then there is a time challenge in between them, which took me 6 minutes and 12 seconds. So all together the workout is just over 18 minutes. I thought it has a nice combo of great exercises. Try it out and get your raw sweat on!

This raw lasagna recipe is absolutely fantastic and I am going to take you through exactly how to make it with pictures and a video description so that you can clearly see and understand how to put this together. The lasagna noodles are made with zucchini and the texture is very similar to pasta. This is a real favorite, everyone loves it, and this is how it is made. || Read more

This workout can be done in under 15 minutes. It is a 10 minute sandbag interval training workout with some great new sandbag exercises, sandwiched between 10 walking plank burpees done just before and just after the intervals. So get out your sandbags and let’s get started! || Read more

This 12 minute interval based workout is a flow between 6 exercises, each of which you do 3 times. This workout has, and starts with, pull ups. It is a tough exercise but one that builds great upper body strength, especially working the lat muscles to give you that V shape which emphasises your waist. & Hey, they are just a cool exercise and it is awesome to be able to do them! They take care of the 1st interval, get them out of the way and then move onto the next 5 fun -let’s move that body – dynamic exercises. Lots of great variety here. So, let’s get that heart pumping and do this! || Read more

This workout took me just slightly over 15 minutes and is made up of 2 parts. The first part alternated skipping with an ab exercise. If you can not skip, substitute high knees or another cardio exercise. The second part is 9 minutes of intervals, alternating 3 exercises, each done 3 times. This workout has lots of cardio, which is great to get the heart rate up, interspersed with core focused exercises.
Like many of us I have watched my weight, and been interested in weight gain and loss, my whole life. There are so many diets, strategies and concepts out there in this area it is sometimes hard to know what is the best information. I offer what I consider the best tips based on my personal experience with myself and watching and helping many others to lose weight. Number one, you have to want to do it. If you really do and can see a thinner you in your mind, then read on. || Read more

Chia is one of my favorite seeds. It has barely any taste and so it is easy to add it into many recipes. It is one of those ingredients that you add more for it’s texture and consistency than for its flavor. Chia swells up and creates a gel around it when it is in liquid. This gel binds foods really well, in a similar way that eggs do, and so for creating vegan and raw recipes it’s really functional. The big bonus with eating chia is that it is abundantly nutritious and has a large list of benefits. It has so many benefits that it is hard to choose which are the most important, but I created a list of 10 of what I think are the biggest benefits of eating this wonderful superfood. Once you realize how amazing this little seed is you will want to eat it every day! I do. || Read more