Today we are working from this eco home in Paraguay. It has a very small environmental footprint with most of it tucked underground. Being located mostly inside the earth insulates the home to ensure optimal temperatures year-round. But despite being in the ground it is kept bright with lots of tall double height windows. || Read more

This delicious granola recipe is not only bursting with flavor but also one of the healthiest granolas around. The nuts and seeds are made into what is considered living food, by soaking them first and then drying them at a low temperature. I have included some variations with some of my favorite ways of making this. Follow me through this as I take you on a delicious journey making raw granola! || Read more

This ab workout has an interesting plank sequence, described below, which is followed by a round of crunches. It is made up of 30 reps each of 6 different crunches and ab exercises and then you will do both parts all over again. This combination of different ab exercises will work different muscles including the obliques to help strengthen your core and build your abs. Let’s work on our six packs together! This is a great workout to get that happening! || Read more

Today has a theme, as most days do. But today’s theme is bridges. I posted the Crossing the Ugi Bridge Workout this afternoon and am learning about the Photoshop Bridge tonight.. and now I have a journey on bridges to share with you. Lets cross some bridges together! || Read more

This apple pie is as delicious as Grandma’s but comes with added benefits. It has living enzymes and is bursting with flavor and nutrition. We have replicated the soft apple texture of the pie filling and set it into a delicious coconut seed crust. You will be amazed at how similar this tastes to the cooked version. It is still sweet and decadent but also with a pure clean taste. If you like apple pie, you will love this! || Read more

This Ugi workout is 21 minutes of interval training with lots of new and favorite Ugi exercises and featuring the bridge exercise with 3 variations of it. This is a great workout to really work your hamstrings and upper legs as well as your abs and core stabilizing muscles. Its a great flow and Ugi makes workouts fun. 21 minutes is longer than most of my workouts, but Ugi makes the time goes by fast and it feels easier somehow but I know it’s effective as I can feel it this morning, the day after! || Read more