Saffron is a spice that comes from the small purple saffron crocus. Each flower on the plant has 3 vivid crimson stigmas which are the part used as the spice. Saffron is used in various Indian, Persian and European cuisines, and sometimes Arab and Turkish cuisines as well, as a seasoning and coloring agent. || Read more

This workout might be more appropriately named Shoulder Cap Burnout! The goal is to have you feeling it and feel the burn, not hurting in a bad way of course, just a little burn to build the muscle. The focus of this workout is really the lateral arm raises. I love this exercise as it helps build great shoulder caps which look really great on the body! The arm raises work the medial head of the deltoid muscles, that is the shoulders. There are 3 muscles here: anterior (front), posterior (back) and medial in the middle – that’s our focus! || Read more

Barefoot training is becoming more and more popular with more and more trainers and coaches. Barefoot running has been gaining in popularity and there are many other sports and activities can be and are done barefoot, including: my favorite, HIIT and also yoga, gymnastics, dance and Tai chi along with many martial arts. || Read more

This vegan tuna wannabe salad is delicious. I just made it for lunch and it was a hit with everyone, vegans and non-vegetarians alike. In fact those that would eat fish said they preferred this anyway. That always feels great! When everyone prefers the healthy vegan option. The salad mixture is ground up almonds and carrots, and the orange makes it almost look more like salmon, but the taste is more like a tuna salad and since it is vegan and not really like either, it has just been coined Vegan Neptune Salad. This salad looks really great with the flecks of green and black from nori sheets chopped up, which also give it it’s light sea taste. Our healthy hemp oil mayonnaise is perfect in this. All together it makes a perfect lunch – it’s nutritious, filling and delicious! || Read more

This 15 minute upper body workout is aimed to turn you into a jumgle hopping tree swinging monkey in no time. It has 3 of my favorite types of push ups: breakdance push ups, reptile push ups and roll back and up to push up. Push ups are a great classic bodyweight exercise, and is a classic because it works well to build a great shape and especially works the arms, chest and shoulders. Think it can’t get any more fun? Think again. This has lots of fun plank jumps and pull ups to change it up and keep the workout upbeat and lively. Ok, I’ll admit it. It’s tough. But it feels good after, and it’s done in 15 minutes. Quick, fun, effective. Ready? || Read more

Ayahuasca journeying has had a deep effect on my perceptions and outlook of the world. I went through an ayahuasca period in my life a few years ago and I feel it is a story relevant to tell here as it deeply affected my spiritual health. There are a few times in my life when my perceptions and views on the way things are have been deeply shaken. When these core belief systems that framed my world were torn down I had to acknowledge that all I believed to be true and real in the world were not as I previously thought they were. It’s a surprising realization. || Read more

Today we are going treehouse shopping. Our mission is to pick the best treehouse to spend the day in, and weekend too if you like. Or maybe we will never come back! What would make the perfect tree house for you? I think some great features would include: a tropical warm location, swings with long ropes so we can swing really high, a diving board and a deep natural pool underneath lined with plants and pebbles that filter out impurities (no chemicals or UV filters), hammocks, dry compost toilets, fruit trees nearby – a mango tree is optimal! and a nearby natural spring with pure water. We can pipe it in for running spring water if it isn’t already, solar panels to heat the water and keep the treehouse cozy on cool evenings, and to light up our glow lights. A treehouse that rocks a little in the wind, just slightly, nothing scary, would be good. || Read more