posted by on Blog, Home, Raw Recipes

Tomorrow is Christmas eve and we are busy getting ready for it around here. Christmas is mom’s favorite holiday and time of year. She used to start shopping for it in January and every year our tree was the best tree ever! She was always the happiest person around. That’s mom’s nature anyway and I am really blessed that she has this wonderful positive nature. This year, like last, it is harder for her to get ready for Christmas in the same way she used to. Her stroke left her with not being able to drive and even just going out and buying things is a challenge, but she is doing it as well as she can. She has an inner strength that is rare, and I wonder if I could even rise to the challenge as she has with this one.  So we are doing our best to make the season bright over here and I have found that it’s really the little things that make all the difference.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This 4 part workout packs a  lot into just 14 minutes. It has two 4 minute tabata intervals, which are the same for the second and fouth parts. The first part is as many Walk out Dive Bombers as you can do in 3 minutes, so a real challenge. I loved that I did them all properly. When I started doing these workouts I found dive bombers one of the hardest exercises and so feel great now doing them! I hope you enjoy them too. If you find them challenging you can modify by doing them from your knees. The 3rd part is a time challenge to do 50 sandbag sit ups as fast as you can. here is lots of action going on in this one and it feels like real super hero training time! ..and you will feel like a super hero afterwards!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This 14 minute Ugi workout is an interval training workout made up mostly of ab focused exercises. Using the Ugi ball to balance on when doing ab and other exercises really helps to work the stabilizing secondary muscles. These are the muscles that surround and assist the major muscles and give great support to the body. Working these makes you lean and tight and helps you build a deeper strength so that you are less likely to have injuries. Think about it, if all the little muscles that support the bigger muscles are strong too, it just makes sense that your body will be stronger, and leaner.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

This biscotti is delicious and very festive and pretty with all of the flecks of red from the cranberries and gojis and bits of green and brown from the pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts and chocolate. It is just very lightly sweetened with maple sugar. If you are a chocolate lover and wanted to get very festive after they are dehydrated you could dip one end into some melted chocolate and sprinkle with almond pieces. I love the idea of doing this but I never have as I love the taste of them as they are just plain and they always get eaten before I get around to trying this.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This workout is made up of 2 rounds of intervals that are preceded, separated and followed by rounds of side burpees. The intervals are filled with exercises that are great for the abs and core, especially strengthening the obliques and also the supporting stabilizing muscles which get worked as you hold your balance in the side planks. These exercises create great cat-like sleek lines in the body!  And burpees are great for just about everything! They are a full body exercise working most of the major muscle groups of the body and adding cardio in too.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

This raw version of corn chips makes one of my favorite snack foods super nutritious and something you can feel good about eating. No more guilty junk foods. Eat delicious snacks that you can feel great about! These chips are dehydrated until they are crispy. The process of drying at lower temperatures enables the chips to retain the ingredients original nutrition and high level of enzymes. The corn chips are made from sprouted buckwheat, flax seeds and organic corn and are lightly spiced and salted with a hand harvested mineral rich salt.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

I promise you that if you put your best into this workout you will feel it tomorrow. Well, at least I am majorly feeling it today (day after) and can hardly sit. Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself, but really I know why! These workouts will make you feel great and look great. They are great for the emotional health, releasing endorphins that make us happy and they are also great for our physical health, driving oxygen to all the cells throughout the body, building muscle, boosting metabolism and helping the body to function better on many different levels. These workouts are hard but the results are an across the board Win! So, let’s get at shaping a better bottom and increasing our physical and mental health too!  || Read more