This 15 minute interval workout has 6 exercises, most are done with a sandbag and half of them, every second exercise, is a squat based exercise. There are some great variations to change it up and they are intermixed with ab and core strengthening and tightening exercises, so again we are hitting legs, butt and abs. High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are known and proven to burn fat, improve endurance and build strength simultaneously. || Read more

This delicious chocolate bar recipe was created as what I thought of yesterday as a failed chocolate bark experiement. But now, since today I can’t stop eating it I am realizing that this is sometimes how awesome creations are born. And so my chocolate bark just had a little transformation into an amazingly delicious new fruit and nut filled chocolate bar. How things can turn around sometimes, or sometimes just a new perspective is needed! || Read more

Squats are one of the top exercises for shaping your legs and working your glutes and this squat workout is filled with them. This one will leave you with muscle burn for a few days after. The squat drop and chop workout combines lots of squats with burpees; each burpee has 10 squats attached to it. Yes, 10! ..and each round of burpees is followed by a different chop based ab exercise. So in addition to hitting your legs and butt this workout really targets your abs as well, which get tackled first with burpees and then with chop crunches. Awesome! We’re shaping our summer body early this year and this workout will bring you one step closer to feeling great in that bikini. Guaranteed. || Read more

This raw vegan chili recipe really rocks. It is one of my favorite meals and yes, chili can be made vegan, not to mention raw, just as successfully in my opinion as the classic cooked version. Its a matter of the right spices, getting a delicious flavor down as well as a nice thick hearty texture and consistency. And this recipe succeeds on both counts and is one of my very favorite raw meals. This has been a favorite for several years, and I feel it has been perfected to my liking and now can go down side by side with my grandmothers favorite cooked recipe for it, which is also delicious. But this one does have a huge advantage and that lies in its nutrition. The fresh vegetables all keeping their natural enzymes and nutrients intact can’t be beat to make us feel great and glow. This recipe represents the best of all worlds. If you are into raw foods, or a great chili lover too, you have to check this one out! || Read more

This bodyweight workout routine is a vicious circle of 6 classic core strengthening exercises. There are 5 rounds in this workout and each one is the same. For each round, you flow through a sequence doing 10 reps of each exercise. Then mark your time, take a small break if necessary. I took about 30 seconds between each round before moving onto the next one. Marking your time down gives you a little incentive to try to improve it for the next round, but form is more important than speed always. || Read more

This hemp protein bar recipe is my new favorite. I combined all of my favorite bar ideas: using lots of seeds in the recipe, using chia seeds to bind the fillings, favorite combinations and put it all together into what I think is my new masterpiece. It is not a simple bar recipe in that it has a lot of ingredients. But once you get those together, making them is easy and I will show you exactly how in the photo description below. This bar has a high protein content with Hemp and Brazil nuts, which are 2 of my favorite protein sources. Quinoa is also high protein and it is the puffed bag of quinoa, shown below, that also inspired this recipe. It is, however, the only ingredient that is not raw, and so if you want a 100% raw recipe, you can leave it out or substitute the quinoa with more seeds and/or coconut flakes. || Read more

This 12 minute HIIT workout is made up of 8 fun fast and dynamic exercises. The object is to go through each one doing as many reps as you can in the work period, just taking 10 seconds between each one to write down your reps. Go through each of the exercises 2 times. Go as fast as you can and do as many reps as you can but always keep in mind that form is more important than speed. The cardio will get your heart rate up and make this workout a great fat blaster. Keeping track of your reps not only gives you incentive to push hard and do as many as you can, but also if you do this workout again you can measure your progress against these numbers. It’s always amazing to see how quickly your strength increases and progress improves when you consistently do these bodyweight exercises. || Read more