This abs workout is 16 minutes of interval training, in which different types of crunches get alternated. Rounds of mountain climbers are added into the mix, which are a great ab exercise as well as adding in some great cardio to get out heart rate up, as well as our metabolism boosted and revved up. There are some new crunch exercises, which work different ab muscles as well as obliques. || Read more

This Thai soup recipe is one of my very favorite soups. It is a tomato based soup blended with coconut and avocado for a dreamy creamy texture. Thai food is often spiced with ingredients that can be hard to find in many areas of North America, and so I have a version that will replicate the authentic Thai seasonings with ingredients more readily found locally. So this wonderful traditional complex seasoning blend of sweet, salty, sour and hot are available to us all. || Read more

My new raw food recipe book is out! I am really excited to share The Joy of Living Foods in a paperback version with you. I have been asked to make it paper, and I did. This raw recipe book has all of my favorite recipes. All of the dishes are made with living foods, prepared with raw food techniques that will make you glow, feel stronger, clearer and empowered. The benefits of preparing foods this way is huge and now I can share with you how to make them delicious too! || Read more

This leg workout is designed to make you really feel it! So don’t be surprised if you are walking a little funny the next day. Youch. But in a good muscle building way, of course! This one is a pyramid workout with all bodyweight exercises. You start off slow with 5 reps, then do 10, then 20 (killer, but doable), 10 and then the last 5 is a breeze and a relief. It feels great to finish that off and if you are like me, you will be left lying in a little pool of sweat at the end. || Read more

This raw pecan pie recipe is just the dessert to go for when you really need to hit up the sweet tooth, but want to do it in the healthiest way possible. While this recipe is made of healthy ingredients, there is no denying that it is sweet, so if you are on a sugar free diet, this will not be the dessert for you. But if you want a treat, and let’s face it, we all do once in awhile, this is the way to do it in the healthiest way possible. || Read more

This upper body workout has 2 parts and is only 14 minutes total. The first part is a rep challenge to do as many rounds of an exercise combo as you can in 5 minutes. It’s tough balancing in side plank but balancing yourself in any way is great for the stabilizing core muscles. This is the basis of building a tight supportive body structure, which really helps us in our day to day life, building functional strength that we use all the time. || Read more

This Mexican guacamole recipe shows the traditional way to make guacamole, which is really very simple and includes all of the great additional ingredients you can add in to make it your own. This easy guacamole recipe provides the perfect raw food. Avocados will keep you going for a long time with their incredibly healthy fats and intense nutrition. Guacamole is a staple in Mexican cuisine and here I will show you it in an deliciously satisfying, and fun – all raw Nacho Platter. || Read more