This dip station workout is a 20 minute workout made up of intervals. It has lots of new dip station exercises alternated with a great abs exercise to really work the abs muscles. A Swiss ball is used in some of the exercises, which adds to the variety. But if you don’t have a Swiss ball no worries, variations are given below. This is a great upper body workout that will leave you feeling it in your arms and abs the next day. The workout is fun and the time goes by fast. || Read more

The idea for this green chia nut cracker recipe came from a few factors I had been thinking of. First I needed some crackers and wanted to use chia to bind the ingredients, instead of flax, as I often use in crackers. Also, I was craving sea vegetables, and looking for a way to get more of them into my diet, and so the kelp and spirulina in here too. Finally I wanted the crunch of other nut crackers I have made before. || Read more

The All Fun and Squats Workout really is a fun workout and combines amrap (as may rounds as possible) exercise combos with HIIT interval training. All bodyweight exercises in the workout, lots of squats, mountain climbers, plank jumps, burpees and crunch variations come together into a fun and fast paced leg and abs workout that makes time go by quick. || Read more

I figure more weight loss tips are always welcome! I had included every weight loss tip I could think of in my previous weight loss tips post. But even though I thought I had that topic completely covered, since then I have been thinking of more strategies that work to help lose weight and I want to share them with you! || Read more

A jump rope workout with hopping, jumping and skipping for Easter. This HIIT workout has skipping mixed with HIIT rounds. The HIIT exercises are not skipping but there is hopping and jumping and they do use the rope. There are new creative exercises again and the cardio exercises are combined with a brutal ab exercise. I even put an alternative in case you find it challenging too. || Read more

This raw rice recipe is made without the rice. The only way to eat rice, according to raw foods techniques, would be by soaking and sprouting it, which I have only seen done well with wild rice. Even with that, it comes out with a more chewy texture and definitely is not soft the way we are used to cooked rice. So to create a base like rice, the best way I have found to do it is with parsnip or cauliflower. || Read more

This total tone workout has all Ugi exercises and mixes lots of new exercises with Ugi as well as some favorites. This Ugi workout is a full body HIIT workout, focusing on leg and ab exercises but has lots of movement to shape and tone the whole body. There are 2 parts, a time challenge followed by HIIT interval training and these two parts are each done three times. || Read more