This 12 minute full body workout is an HIIT workout with bodyweight exercises done in intervals. It is one straight round of intervals and you go through each of the exercises two times until the final beep of the timer. The exercises alternate dynamic with static exercises that target different areas of the body. This is a great all over body toning workout to get in when you have a busy day. Only 12 minutes and you cover a lot of body strengthening, metabolism boosting territory. || Read more

This puffed quinoa energy bars recipe is made with all raw ingredients, except for the puffed quinoa. These bars are very nutritious and they will keep your energy high for long periods. Most importantly, they taste amazing! They are so delicious and they are my favorite breakfast lately, along with my ever present green smoothie, which is a constant. But they are great for anytime and wonderful for a on-the-run quick snack. || Read more

Mom and I are pretty enthused about, and love, our little garden plot. Gardening is so therapeutic and wonderful for mom. She has always loved gardening and we used to have quite a large vegetable garden at our summer home growing up, so now it’s great for not only wonderful nutrition but for post-stroke therapy as well. I enjoyed taking photos of the evolution of our little vegetable garden plot out back. || Read more

This sandbag workout is made up of 3 parts. It has two sandbag exercise challenges sandwiching a middle part of HIIT, high intensity interval training, alternating six favorite sandbag exercises. These sandbag exercises are great for toning, slimming and shaping the body all over and especially for building beautiful leg muscles to give you great shaped sexy legs. || Read more

This blueberry squares recipe is loaded with antioxidant rich blueberries and topped with a sweet lemon topping that goes so well with the ultra rich berry filling. The 3 layers are all quite different but harmonize and compliment each other well. These are delicious and so abundantly nutritious that they will leave you feeling blissful after eating them! || Read more

There are spiritual and emotional effects of raw foods. When you eat primarily raw foods your body is going to detox, often a lot and as part of this process you are likely to experience the emotional detox that goes along with it. Also, spiritual changes will take place as you lighten up and your vibration gets higher. You will change, and it’s best to be ready for that change when that happens. || Read more

This core workout is made up of all bodyweight exercises. It has 2 parts, each with 4 different core and ab exercises that are rotated and done in intervals. This 16 minute HIIT workout has a great mixture of plank exercises with dynamic ab exercises that will really tighten your central core muscles. || Read more