Today’s project is how to make bath bombs. This easy bath bomb recipe is very easy to make at home. Bath bombs make great gifts and these are so much less expensive to make at home than to buy from a store. Also, when you get this basic recipe down and learn how to make bath bombs at home, then you can then add other fun colors, scents, sparkles, oils or whatever you like, to create a wonderfully sensual bath experience. Making bath bombs is a great project for kids too! || Read more

This core workout is an HIIT workout, high intensoty interval training done in 2 parts with all bodyweight exercises. The first part is longer and combines core strengthening exercises. It has burpees and a side plank dip and crunch exercise that is great for forming awesome looking obliques as well as great for balance and tightening the abs and core muscles. The shorter second part is made up of all ab exercises. This workout strengthens the core and really works, tightens and shapes the ab muscles. || Read more

This delicious sweet potato black eyed peas soup recipe is a wonderfully thick, rich and hearty vegan soup recipe. In addition to the back beans and sweet potato it has more vegetables and chopped kale for added nutrition (I’m always sneaking greens in) and lots of fresh herbs from the garden. I love our fresh garden herbs. Fresh herbs really add a lot to any recipe and they don’t take a lot of room to grow. They can be grown in small pots on the windowsill and give such a great flavor. But dried herbs are great too and can be easily substituted. Coconut milk thickens this up. It’s a wonderful combination! || Read more

This bacon salt recipe is a healthy version of this new popular seasoning salt. When I heard of bacon salt I thought not a bad idea. It’s a great flavorful way to get a smoky salty taste without needing to eat meat, or extra fat. However, the bacon salt commercially made I found out is loaded with artificial flavors, colors and chemicals most of us really do not want to eat. This motivated me to create a more healthy version, || Read more

This sandbag workout is an HIIT, high intensity interval training, workout. In it 6 great sandbag exercises are alternated in interval periods. The sandbag HIIT exercises flow with new dynamic sandbag exercise combos and lots of favorite sandbag exercises. This sandbag workout has lots of squats and abs exercises to really tone and tighten the leg, glute and core area but also incorporates lots of movement in the sandbag exercise combos providing a full body workout that will strengthen and tone the body all over. || Read more

Mom and I took a wonderful walk around Jones Lake together and I decided to bring my camera to take photos of it. Jones Lake is a man-made lake in the middle of our city, Moncton, and our house is almost right on it. We can see over to the lake from the front windows of our house. I grew up on this lake, and it holds lots of wonderful memories. My parents used to walk hand in hand around this lake so many evenings. It’s really special to mom too. || Read more

This tasty flax crackers recipe is sweet, salty and spicy and flavored with garam masala. Garam masala is an aromatic blend of spices common in North Indian and South Asian cuisines. These super healthy crackers are primarily made of nutritious EFA rich flax seeds, which are mixed with vegetables and seasonings to make them delicious, and then dehydrated to preserve the abundant enzymes and nutrition. || Read more